Glutathione For Skin Brightening: How It Works & How To Use It

An insight into the workings of this powerful antioxidant can help you achieve glowing skin.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Sonam Jeswani Ramrakhiani, MBBS, DDV
Written by Kushneet Kukreja
Edited by Anjali Sayee
Fact-checked by Monomita Chakraborty, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Most of us yearn for bright and glowing skin and have already tried the numerous skin care products available on the market, but in vain. However, you have a solution now. You can use glutathione for skin brightening.

If you have never heard of this name and want to know more about it, we can help. Keep reading to know more about glutathione and how it helps brighten your tone and improve skin health.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Glutathione

What Is It?
A naturally occurring tripeptide that is found in most lifeforms, including humans.

What Are Its Benefits?
It helps in cellular health maintenance and safeguards cells from oxidative stress.

Who Can Use It?
Anyone can take it except people who are on antipsychotic and/or chemotherapy medications.

How Often?
As a maintenance dose, you can take 500 mg daily.

Avoid taking glutathione if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. It may also trigger asthma attacks, macular erythema, red spots, or tiredness in some people.

What Is Glutathione?

Even though glutathione is one of the best antioxidants of all time, it is still unknown to a large number of people. It is best known for helping brighten your skin and reducing the levels of melanin productioni  XPigment responsible for hair, eye, and skin color, the production of which is affected by genetics. too (1). Doctors and dermatologists from all over the globe have often used glutathione during skin treatments and therapies. Most of the time it is used while manufacturing creams or skin brightening tablets for consumption. You can get hold of them from the nearest dispensary or simply place your order online.

protip_icon Did You Know?
J. de Rey-Paihade discovered glutathione in 1888 from the extracts of yeast and animal tissues like beef skeletal muscle, beef liver, lamb’s small intestine, sheep brain, and fish skeletal muscle.

How Does It Work?

Woman's face before and after using glutathione for skin brightening
Image: Shutterstock

Glutathione contains amino acidsi  XOrganic molecules that bond with protein, allow the body to break down food, repair tissue, and offer energy. in abundance. The best part about this antioxidant is that it is considered safe and doesn’t have any free radicals or toxins that could ruin your skin. In fact, it may help in cleansing your skin and removing all impurities, which helps make the skin appear brighter. Moreover, using glutathione may help reduce spots and hyperpigmentation levels. It helps in the activation of enzymes that play an important role in detoxification (2). However, remember that the results may not be the same for everyone. It may vary from person to person. Further human studies are required to substantiate the claims.

Although there are a large number of products that help brighten your skin permanently, it is best to go natural! As already discussed, glutathione contains amino acids that reduce side effects and keep your skin healthy and safe in the long run.

How To Use Glutathione For Skin Brightening

Woman taking glutathione supplements for skin brightening
Image: Shutterstock

You can take glutathione skin brightening supplements given by your doctor or dermatologist.

Moisturize your skin with the help of I-glutathione pills that will prevent the flaking of skin.

However, using glutathione alone may not help brighten your skin. It has to be used as suggested by the doctor and in conjunction with other treatments. You also have to follow a healthy lifestyle, skin care practices (like using sunscreen daily), and dietary habits. Also, there are chances the results will be temporary if you do not take care of your skin properly.

How Does Glutathione Help In Brightening Your Skin?

Here are a couple of points in brief that will help you understand how glutathione helps in natural skin brightening. Additional points have been mentioned to help you understand better.

  1. Glutathione is basically an antioxidant and is made of 3 amino acids namely cysteinei  XSulphur-containing amino acid found in beta-keratin, the chief protein in nails, skin, and hair, which is necessary for collagen formation. , glycinei  XSimplest amino acid the body uses to create proteins needed for the growth and maintenance of tissues, hormones, and enzymes. and glutamic acidi  XAn amino acid converted by the body to glutamate that helps nerve cells communicate and contributes to learning and memory. .
Woman with pigmentation
Image: Shutterstock
  1. It may help protect your body from diseases and prevent toxins too. It also fights free radicals that cause skin pigmentation, blemishes, dark spots, and skin discoloration.
  1. People usually take glutathione in the form of pills to brighten their skin. They are found in pharmacies and beauty shops. Four to six months of regular use may show effective results (2).
  1. Glutathione is not just available in the form of pills, but also as injections and beauty soaps. In fact, they have become quite popular in the market. It is loaded with vitamins, soya oil, proteins, and minerals that help in skin nourishment
Spread of glutathione-rich foods
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Taking glutathione isn’t enough to achieve a brighter skin tone; you must eat healthy too. Some fruits and veggies that you must include in your diet include asparagus, oranges, tomatoes, and avocados. These edibles will help in the maintenance of glutathione in your body (3).

Glutathione is not just known for brightening your skin, but also for fighting freckles, age spots, acne, and scars (1). They can be used as anti-aging supplements as well.

However, there are more things to know about using glutathione for skin brightening. We know the results may not be the same for everyone but is it safe for everyone? Let us find that out.

Potential Side Effects Of Glutathione

Glutathione is generally considered safe. Although research is limited research on the side effects of using glutathione for skin brightening, there are a few concerns related to the safety of this ingredient. According to a study, it was found that glutathione may cause mild skin reactions like (1):

  • Itching
  • Swollen glands
  • Fever
  • Red spots on the skin
  • Tiredness

Therefore, if you take glutathione and encounter any side effects, seek medical help as soon as possible to avoid further complications. People with sensitive skin should consult their doctor before using it. Also, avoid it if you are allergic to benzyl alcohol, a preservative found in glutathione supplements.

Interesting Fact

Woman getting glutathione injections for skin brightening
Image: Shutterstock

Glutathione is usually taken in the form of a pill that has become highly successful in Asian countries, especially in countries where people would like to have fairer skin. Even though it is pretty expensive, glutathione injections are quite popular as they significantly increase the bioavailability of glutathione. However, further research is warranted to establish this fact. It is important to take into consideration that though intravenous glutathione is considered to increase its efficacy, it can also pose the risk of overdosing and toxicity (2).

protip_icon Did You Know?
Glutathione is a popular food and health supplement in the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Thailand.

The Dilemma That Comes With Glutathione

The only dilemma that comes with glutathione and the treatments associated with it is its cost. It is highly expensive, and not everyone can afford it. Lotions and creams are still cheaper.

Infographic: What To Eat To Increase Glutathione Production In Your Body

Glutathione is an antioxidant that helps brighten your skin, get rid of impurities, reduce hyperpigmentation, and help with skin rejuvenation. Though people consume glutathione in the form of pills, you can try to increase its natural production in the body by consuming certain food items rich in amino acids.

Check out this infographic to learn about some skin-brightening foods that help to increase glutathione production in your body.

increase glutathione production (infographic)

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Glutathione is a popular antioxidant used by dermatologists for skin treatments all over the globe. It is also popularly used in creams or pills to help brighten the skin. Glutathione may protect the skin from toxins, prevents dark spots and acne, and removes impurities, leaving you with brighter and glowing skin. Along with glutathione, eat a diet high in vegetables such as tomatoes and asparagus to help you achieve clearer and healthier skin. You can take glutathione for skin brightening in the form of pills or creams available online. Consult your dermatologist for the correct glutathione dosage and instructions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take glutathione to brighten skin?

It may take between 4 to 10 weeks of regular use for glutathione to show visible results (4).

Is glutathione pill safe?

Yes, glutathione pills are safe for consumption. Consult your doctor for the appropriate dosage.

Will glutathione lighten my underarms?

Yes, glutathione is an antioxidant that may help lighten your underarm skin. Additionally, a healthy and balanced diet will also contribute to healthy skin.

Key Takeaways

  • Glutathione contains amino acids that help you remove impurities and aid with complexion improvement.
  • You can take glutathione supplements orally or moisturize with creams containing glutathione.
  • Besides taking antioxidant supplements orally, there are also injections and soaps with glutathione that can help you achieve glowing skin.
  • Use it regularly for 4 to 6 months for effective results.

In this video, a certified dermatologist answers the question: Is glutathione injection a permanent solution for skin whitening? And is it safe? Get the facts in this informative video!


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  1. Glutathione and its antiaging and antimelanogenic effects
  2. Glutathione as a skin whitening agent: Facts myths evidence and controversies
  3. A Review of Dietary (Phyto)Nutrients for Glutathione Support
  4. Glutathione for skin lightening: a regnant myth or evidence-based verity?
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