7 Effective Ways To Increase Stamina For Football

Step into the field confidently and prepared with proper training, exercises, and diet.

Medically reviewed by Gabrielle Kane, RDN, CSP, LD
Written by Kushneet Kukreja
Edited by Arshiya Syeda
Fact-checked by Moksha Gandhi, BPharm, Certified Health & Wellness Coach  • 

If you love playing football, you must increase your muscle endurance. But how to increase stamina for football? Well, training in the field is the best way to improve stamina, agility, speed, and game technique and strategy. There also are certain workouts that can help you get to that level of physical fitness when you can compete with 100% confidence. If you love an energetic sport like football where teamwork and stamina is required, this article is for you. Read on to know how to increase stamina for playing football. Scroll down!

How To Increase Stamina For Football?

Here are some ways with which you can pump up your stamina and play the ‘beautiful game’:

1. Practice Specific Exercises:

  • Cardiovascular Exercises: Practice cardiovascular exercises or ‘aerobics’ (swimming, rope jumping, running, stair-stepping, jogging, skipping, cycling, rowing, etc.) at least for 30 to 50 minutes every day. It can boost stamina by increasing your aerobic capacity to a great extent (1).
  • Circuit Training: Weight-based circuit training (sit-ups, push-ups, lunges, squat jumps, etc.) can help you a lot in developing muscle strength, thereby improving your endurance (2). Exercising for 1 minute at each of the 10 to 20 stations of a circuit is considered to be enough.
Woman using ropes to increase her stamina
Image: Shutterstock
  • Plyometric Exercises: It has been found that plyometric exercises (one leg jumps, box jumps, burpees, stair hops, and other similar quick explosive movements), especially the weighted ones, can increase the energy and resilience of a football player significantly (3).
  • Stretching: Stretch your body before and after exercises regularly. It will not only build your stamina, but also keep you away from injuries.

2. Train Yourself Properly:

  • Sprinting: It is crucial to train your body beforehand, so that you can sprint-jog-sprint during the game as fast as possible. Performing a cycle of 15-20 yards of sprinting (including the recovery time) every day can help you immensely to enhance your stamina. You can also practice sprint drills with additional resistance (wearing weighted pants or vests) to make the most of your training (4).
Sprinting to improve stamina for football
Image: Shutterstock
  • Speed Endurance Runs: This particular training is necessary for increasing your capacity of moving over different distances fast and efficiently. As a result, your level of endurance will also go higher.
  • Fartlek Training: This is a modified form of speed endurance run, which helps the player move for a constant duration by altering his or her speed accordingly. Being a randomized version, it gives lots of energy and stamina to the trainee.
  • Soccer-Ball Drill: It is one of the most effective stamina training options for football players. As it makes use of the football itself, you can strengthen your ball control as well as ball possession skills along with heightening endurance level.
protip_icon Did You Know?
On an average, football players run 5.99 miles (9.65 km) per game.
Soccer-ball drill to improve stamina
Image: Shutterstock

3. Consume Well-Balanced Diet:

Well-balanced diet to increase stamina
Image: Shutterstock

Healthy eating is undoubtedly essential for increasing stamina, be it in football or any other physical game. Strictly follow a well-balanced diet that is high in carbs, low in fats, and contains adequate protein. Eat at least 6 times (3 big and 3 small meals) or more a day to get sufficient nutrition. Stay away from junks, processed foods, sugary items, soda, etc. Also, try to indulge in real whole foods instead of having power bars, energy drinks and nutritional supplements (5).

According to a study conducted with Gaelic football players, CHO, protein, and fat consumption should have a proper balance. The study found that the mean dietary intake of fat was marginally greater than the recommended intake. However, the data provides a relatively accurate macronutrient intake necessary for football players. Check out the graph below to learn more.

Macronutrient intake of football players on various types of training

Source: Dietary Intake and Energy Expenditure Assessed during a Pre-Season Period in Elite Gaelic Football Players

4. Stay Hydrated:

Stay hydrated to improve stamina
Image: Shutterstock

Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. If your body cells get dehydrated, you will feel low on energy and it will take a toll on your stamina as well as performance. Fatigue, less frequent urination, or dark urine are some signs of dehydration. So try and consume lots of water throughout the day and keep a sufficient number of bottles with you during the match.

5. Give Yourself Enough Rest:

Take enough rest before two performances. Every player needs to sleep anywhere between 7 and 9 hours daily at night. Nocturnal and consolidated sleep is considered to be better than broken chunks of sleep time for your body to rejuvenate and recover completely. Proper rest and recovery will help you focus better and get enough stamina to perform optimally the next day (6).

6. Do Not Over-Practice:

While perseverance and determination to practice are essential in sports, remember not to over-train yourself. If you exercise a lot or practice each and every day, you will be totally drained out of energy and are more prone to injury, affecting your level of stamina considerably. It is vital that you take at least a couple of days off in the span of one week.

7. Be Positive:

Always think positive and take positive steps to reduce mental stress. Mental fatigue and stress can reduce your stamina (7). So, keep self-motivating and be positive and see your stamina and performance improve.

Infographic: Best Circuit Training Exercises To Increase Stamina For Football

The above article gives you a range of methods and exercises that may help you improve your strength, endurance, and stamina. If you’re looking for an interesting training method that can help you target multiple muscles, look no further.

Check out the infographic below to learn more about the circuit training method and what to do along the way to ensure you get the best results from this workout.

best circuit training exercises to increase stamina for football (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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protip_icon Quick Tip
You can also practice Iyengar yoga poses like Dhanurasana (bow pose), Tolasana (scale pose), and Eka Pada Bakasana (one-legged crane) pose to build not only your stamina but also your strength, stability, and concentration (8).

Football is quite a demanding sport in terms of stamina, endurance, and physical fitness. Exercising and training are effective ways to increase stamina for football. Do cardiovascular exercises regularly to increase your aerobatic capacity, circuit training to strengthen your muscles, and plyometric exercise to build your energy levels. Doing sprints, speed endurance runs, and fartlek training can also help build stamina and prepare your body for football. However, all this physical activity must be complemented with a good and well-balanced diet, proper rest or sleep, enough hydration, and good mental health. So, pull up your socks and start training!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much stamina does a footballer have?

Footballers have really high stamina, strength, and endurance.

Can you build stamina in 2 weeks?

Yes, consistently engaging in different physical exercises daily can help you build stamina steadily in 2 weeks.

Does milk decrease stamina?

No, studies suggest that milk may have an impact on endurance and recovery of muscle function (9).

Which fruit gives more stamina?

Bananas and citrus fruits may help increase physical endurance and reduce fatigue (10), (11). They contain nutrients like carbs, vitamin C, fiber, and potassium that may help regulate digestion and make you feel fuller. They also help reduce free radical production and fatigue and protect the muscles from damage.

Key Takeaways

  • Building up stamina for football requires a proper diet, adequate hydration, and physical exercises to enhance endurance and resistance.
  • Stretching techniques help in muscle conditioning and improving flexibility, while cardiovascular exercise helps in improving strength.
  • Eating a high carb and low-fat diet is crucial for maintaining energy during pre and post-gaming and training sessions.
  • Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep and avoiding the intake of harmful substances aid in performance improvement.

Discover how to improve stamina and combat fatigue in this empowering video. Explore effective strategies and lifestyle changes to boost endurance and energy levels.


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  1. Aerobic vs anaerobic exercise training effects on the cardiovascular system
  2. Effects of a Circuit Training Program on Muscular and Cardiovascular Endurance and their Maintenance in Schoolchildren
  3. Effects of plyometric training on soccer players
  4. Six Sessions of Sprint Interval Training Improves Running Performance in Trained Athletes
  5. Role of nutrition in performance enhancement and postexercise recovery
  6. The Extraordinary Importance of Sleep
  7. Stress in Academic and Athletic Performance in Collegiate Athletes: A Narrative Review of Sources and Monitoring Strategies
  8. Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life
  9. Impact of cow’s milk intake on exercise performance and recovery of muscle function: a systematic review
  10. Bananas as an Energy Source during Exercise: A Metabolomics Approach
  11. Daily vitamin C consumption and fatigability
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