7 Easy Steps To Do Pranic Healing Meditation

Allow the universal life force to invigorate your body and soothe your mind.

Reviewed by Garima Singh, MSc, DNHE, DDHN
Written by Shirin Mehdi
Edited by Arshiya Syeda
Fact-checked by Moksha Gandhi, BPharm, Certified Health & Wellness Coach  • 

Pranic healing meditation is a sort of energy medicine in which you amplify, regulate, and direct the prana (the breath of life) for healing and energy purposes. This prana, also referred to as universal life force or life energy, can be projected into the bodies of others to heal them. Thus, this technique is also known as “miraculous healing.” Curious to know more? In this article, we have explored the levels of pranic healing system, how to do this meditation, and the techniques you can follow. Keep reading!

Different Levels Of Pranic Healing System:

There are 4 distinct levels of the pranic healing system. These include:

1. Basic Pranic Healing:

This is the most basic level in which the learners mainly learn to take in chi energy (air prana) and project it into the patients’ bodies, efficiently. This level also helps in making the hands sensitive; scanning the patients’ energized bodies; cleaning aura, stabilizing and releasing the projected energy; preventing contamination by disconnecting the ‘energy cord’ between themselves and the patients; and speeding up the process of healing by making the patients more sympathetic.

2. Advanced Pranic Healing:

This is the level, which teaches the learners to purify and invigorate the patients’ bodies by making perfect use of even more influential ‘color pranas’.

3. Pranic Psychotherapy:

This level helps the learners develop required skills for curing psychological diseases with the help of ‘color pranas’.

4. Pranic Crystal Healing:

Woman using crystals for pranic healing
Image: Shutterstock

As the name suggests, this level revolves around the use of crystals for focusing ‘prana’ to patients in a stronger manner.

protip_icon Trivia
Pranic healing meditation has its roots in ancient Ayurvedic healing practices. It later flourished in China, Tibet, and Thailand.

While practicing these levels, a person can also get to learn about processes like distant healing, self-healing, divine healing, protection shield,and so on.

The Basic Procedure Of Pranic Healing Meditation:

Here is the basic procedure of performing pranic healing meditation. We have divided it into seven easy steps:

Step 1:

The very first step is ‘cleansing’ in which you need to practice a few simple exercises for a maximum of 10 minutes to purify the etheric body. A huge amount of subtle energies is generated and accumulated (known as ‘pranic congestion’) in our body during this meditation, which can be minimized through these exercises by driving the ‘used-up prana’ (a grayish matter) out.

Step 2:

Woman praying for divine blessings
Image: Shutterstock

The third step of this meditation is called the ‘activation of the Heart Chakra’. Start by pressing your heart area with a couple of fingers for just a few seconds and focus on your heart chakra. Meanwhile, visualization of the whole earth as a small glowing ball with some glittery bluish-pink light and bless all the people in it with loving kindness. Imagine everyone, including you, is getting a wonderful feel of peace, hope, delight and devotion.

Step 3:

Woman activating heart chakra through pranic healing meditation
Image: Shutterstock

The third step of this meditation is called the ‘activation of the Heart Chakra’. Start by pressing your heart area with a couple of fingers for just a few seconds and focus on your heart chakra. Meanwhile, visualize the whole earth as a small glowing ball with some glittery bluish-pink light and bless all the people in it with loving kindness. Imagine everyone, including you, is getting a wonderful feel of peace, hope, delight and devotion.

Step 4:

Then, go to the fourth step, which is the ‘activation of the Crown Chakra’. Just like the previous step, press the top part of your head with a couple of fingers for just a few seconds and focus on your Crown Chakra. Bless all the people on the planet with loving kindness, and feel the same flow of positive energy running through your body and mind.

Step 5:

Now, imagine that a radiant white light emitting from your Crown Chakra is flooding the entire world. Also, you are blessing everyone with the white light and the golden light coming out from both your Heart Chakra and Crown Chakra. As two chakras are lined up this time, your blessing will become even more potent. Again, feel the same flow of positive energy running through your body and mind.

Step 6:

Woman meditating to activate crown chakra via pranic healing
Image: Shutterstock

The next step is ‘achieving illumination’, which is nothing but the expansion of awareness. Envision a bright white light on your Crown Chakra and chant the holistic mantras ‘OM’ and ‘AMEN’ while focusing on breathwork at the same time. Focus on the light as well as the intervals between two mantras. Doing this for 15 to 20 minutes will help you concentrate on both the things simultaneously. It is that point of time when you will feel or visualize an ‘explosion of light’ inside yourself.

Step 7:

Now, as you are done with your meditation, start releasing the additional energy remaining in you. Bless the earth for several minutes, while letting the energy go through your hands. Make sure that your body has reached a normal and stabilized state. Or, you will feel acute headache and chest pain afterwards.

Various Pranic Healing Meditation Techniques:

Young woman doing yoga using pranic healing techniques
Image: Shutterstock

Now, here are a few other Pranic Healing Meditation techniques that have gained extreme popularity among people. However, you can try these out only after you have mastered the basic procedure.

  • Arhatic Yoga (safe and fast ‘evolution’ of the soul)
  • Sexual Alchemy (understanding the spiritual sexuality and learning its techniques)
  • Super Brain Yoga (improved mindfulness, awareness and focus)
  • Meditation on Three Hearts (achieving inner peace and spirituality)
  • Meditation for Soul Realization (knowing about the self, higher soul and inner divinity)
  • Universal and Kabbalistic Meditation on ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ (associating the phrases of ‘The Lord’s Prayer with the vital energy centers of our body)
  • ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ Meditation
  • Kabbalistic Meditation on the ‘I AM’

Hope the information is helpful.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Pranic healing meditation is known to cure insomnia and boost productivity (1).

Infographic: A Quick Guide To Pranic Healing Meditation

Connect your spiritual side with an easy-to-follow meditation technique. Pranic healing puts an emphasis on understanding and helping balance your internal energies and using them to heal your body. The same energy helps you in introspection and relaxation by calming your mind from worries and heightened emotions. Check out the infographic below to learn more about the steps and significance of Pranic healing meditation.

a quick guide to pranic healing meditation (infographic)

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Pranic healing meditation involves the practitioners directing ‘the prana’ (the energy of life) into the bodies of the patients for accelerated healing of their psychological conditions. It is a seven-step process that involves activating the heart chakra and the crown chakra. You can chant mantras like ‘Om’ and ‘Omen.’ By the end of the meditation, you will feel an explosion of light within you. There are different types of pranic healing, namely sexual alchemy, arhatic yoga, super brain yoga, etc. Master the basic procedure before exploring these types of pranic healing for effective results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does pranic healing help treat depression?

Yes. Pranic healing may help reduce the symptoms of mild to moderate depression and promote overall wellness (2).

How much does pranic healing cost?

One 20-40 minutes session of pranic healing may cost between 100-500 INR. However, the cost may vary depending on the location and the healer’s experience.

What is the golden rule of pranic healing?

The golden rule of pranic healing is to treat others using the prana or life energy force. It revolves around the principle that every human has an energy force that can be influenced and healed with the prana. In pranic healing, the healer uses their energy to balance and harmonize the patient’s energy body. It emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and respect in the healing process. By treating others with kindness and understanding, the healer can create a safe and supportive environment for the patient to receive healing energy.

What colors are used in Pranic Healing?

In pranic healing, different colors correspond to the chakras or energy centers in the body. Red, orange, yellow, green and blue are the colors commonly used in pranic healing. While red is associated with grounding, stability, and physical vitality, orange is associated with creativity and emotional balance. Yellow, green and blue are used for mental clarity, confidence, self-expression and healing.

Do you need special training to practice Pranic Healing Meditation?

You need specialized training to effectively practice PHM as it involves working with the energy source of other people. The practice requires you to develop sensitivity to subtle energy fields that takes time and practice to cultivate. One can inadvertently cause harm or disrupt the body’s energy balance without proper training or guidance.

How long does a Pranic Healing Meditation session last?

The length of a Pranic Healing session depends on factors like the practitioner’s experience and the needs of the person receiving the healing. Generally, a session can last from 20 minutes to an hour or more. We recommend consulting only Pranic Healing practitioners who have undergone formal training and are qualified to provide healing sessions.

Can Pranic Healing Meditation be practiced in a group setting, or is it only done individually?

Pranic Healing Meditation can be done both individually and in a group setting. Group meditation can be more powerful than an individual healing session as it creates a synergy among group members. During group meditation, one person can be the healer and channel healing energy to the other members.

Key Takeaways

  • In prana healing, you amplify, regulate, and direct the prana for energy purposes and healing.
  • Basic pranic healing involves learning to take in prana from the air and project it into the body.
  • In advanced pranic healing, you will learn to use color pranas to purify the body.
  • Another level is pranic psychotherapy, which is like an alternative therapy, where you learn to treat psychological issues.
  • There is also a level that uses crystals to focus prana on the patients.

Experience the power of pranic healing meditation and sound therapy in your life! Watch this video to relax and restore your body and mind with this calming practice.


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  1. Treatment of Insomnia by Pranic Healing
  2. Amelioration of mild and moderate depression through Pranic Healing as adjuvant therapy: randomised double-blind controlled trial
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