How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation On Buttocks

From home remedies to clinical treatments – there is more than one solution to this problem.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Priya Gill, MBBCH, MRCP
Written by Monomita Chakraborty, Certified Skin Care Coach
Edited by Anjali Sayee
Fact-checked by Swathi E, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Women are embracing the cheeky bikini trend and baring their buttocks more and more, thanks to society celebrating all shapes and sizes!

But what if your buttock is not beach-ready? While we apply creams and lotions to our faces and bodies, we frequently forget our behinds and dark inner thighs. Hyperpigmentation is a common problem on the buttocks. But don’t worry! Both home remedies and medical treatments can alleviate the discoloration due to this condition.

This article will discuss the causes of hyperpigmentation on the buttocks, along with certain skin treatments, home remedies, and preventive tips. Keep reading.

What Is Hyperpigmentation On The Buttocks? Expert Insights

“Hyperpigmentation results from the overproduction of melanin which may occur when there is friction on the skin. Since the buttocks often experience more friction than other areas of the body, this may result in irritation or inflammation in that area, causing hyperpigmentation of the buttocks. When the skin is rubbed against something for prolonged periods, it often results in hyperpigmentation,” says board-certified dermatologist and medical advisor Jen Haley.

It is extremely important to understand what’s causing your hyperpigmentation. The most common causes are listed in the next section!

What Causes Skin Discoloration On The Buttocks?

1. Excessive Sun Exposure

Sun exposure causes melanin formation in the body. Melanin protects skin from damaging rays by acting as a natural sunscreen, which is why people tan in the sun. Excessive sun exposure, on the other hand, might interrupt this process, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

2. Tight Clothing

Wearing tight clothes leads to hyperpigmentation on buttocks
Image: Shutterstock

Tight clothing is one of the most prevalent causes of hyperpigmentation. This is because our buttocks are constantly in contact with tight underwear and pants. The continuous friction on the skin by tight clothing plays a large role in discoloration in that area.

3. Poor Hygiene

Clean your buttocks thoroughly whenever you take a shower. This is because the accumulation of dirt, dead skin, and grease results in hyperpigmentation.

4. Prolonged Sitting

Woman sitting for long hours may develop hyperpigmentation on buttocks
Image: Shutterstock

Sitting for a long period of time can be the cause of both bad blood circulation and friction on the buttocks, which can result in discoloration.

5. Lack Of Blood Circulation

The absence of oxygenated blood causes your skin to undergo visible color changes. In addition, poor circulation makes it harder to regenerate new skin cells, making your skin appear darker.

6. Product Irritation

The application of certain products may lead to irritation and the overproduction of melanin to protect your skin from infection. This phenomenon leads to hyperpigmentation on the buttocks.

The appearance of discoloration on the buttocks may make you feel insecure. However, it can be treated with a variety of methods. Keep reading to know more!

Treatments For Hyperpigmentation On The Buttocks

Hyperpigmentation of the buttocks does not always require treatment as it may fade away with time. However, if the discoloration persists, there are a variety of treatments available.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Michael K. Newman says, “Treatment for hyperpigmentation is only required in rare cases. Darker skin is frequent in the buttocks and other public places. Dark patches created by cleared folliculitis or other underlying reasons that are no longer present generally go away on their own over time. Darker spots vanish after six to twelve months. However, it might take years for deep-seated or even deeper discoloration to disappear on its own.”

“People who wish to attempt to balance out pigmentation for aesthetic reasons have options,” he adds.

He suggests looking for one of the following components in over-the-counter skin-lightening products:

  • Azelaic acidi  XAn organic acid found in grains like barley, rye, and wheat that is used to treat skin issues like acne and inflammation.
  • Glycolic acidi  XA water-soluble alpha hydroxy acid (plant- and animal-derived acid) derived from sugar cane that is used in skin care products.
  • Kojic acidi  XA chemical compound made from different fungi with melanin-blocking properties that is used to lighten skin and treat hyperpigmentation. Retinoidi  XA chemical compound derived from vitamin A with anti-aging properties that is used in skin care products to treat acne and fine lines. (retinol, tretinoin, adapalene gel, or tazarotene)

A study indicated that combining topical retinol with other chemical peels may drastically improve hyperpigmentation appearance. The study had 1614 participants segregated by race, white (1191) and black (262), and ethnicity, Hispanic (352) and non-Hispanic (1262) . Reviewers noted that black participants had more cases of hyperpigmentation while the other groups had more cases of erythema. A decrease in hyperpigmentation percentage was seen in all groups by using tazarotene 0.045% lotion from baseline to week 12: Black, 40.5 to 31.3%; Hispanic, 17.8 to 11.2%.

  •  Vitamin C

Other clinical treatments that you can try out include:

  •  Chemical Peels: It helps deteriorate pigment and brown spots for an even skin tone.
  •  PICO Genesis: It is an advanced laser treatment that uses gentle heating to help fade unwanted skin pigmentation.
  •  Intense Pulsed Light Therapy: It is a highly accurate treatment option to correct the skin tone on various areas of the skin for a clearer look.

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Other medical treatment options include microdermabrasion (that removes skin cells from the surface by rubbing an abrasive end of a wand against the skin) and cryosurgery (liquid nitrogen solution freezes and destroys extra pigment).

Hyperpigmentation can also be reduced with the appropriate use of ingredients. Here are some natural hyperpigmentation removal methods and home remedies.

Home Remedies For Hyperpigmentation On Buttocks

Note: Remember to conduct a patch test before going for any of these home remedies.

1. Cleansing The Area Regularly

Cleansing your buttocks daily may help reduce hyperpigmentation. Use a gentle cleanser and dry the area thoroughly to see visible results. Also, exfoliate and use a cleanser with very mild salicylic acid to eliminate dead skin and open pores. This could assist in making your hyperpigmentation less noticeable.

2. Sugar Scrub

Sugar and skin-friendly oil scrub can treat hyperpigmentation on buttocks
Image: Shutterstock

Since sugar is abrasive, it works as a natural exfoliating ingredient that helps clear clogged pores. To make the scrub, mix some sugar with coconut, olive, almond, or jojoba oil to preserve the moisture in your skin.

What You Need

  •  One cup of white/brown granulated sugar
  •  3 tablespoons of any skin-friendly oil

How To Use

  1.  Mix the granulated sugar and oil thoroughly to make a loose paste.
  2.  Apply the scrub to your buttocks and gently massage it in circular motions for a few minutes.
  3.  Rinse it off with lukewarm water and dry your buttocks thoroughly.

3. Lemon, Turmeric, And Yogurt

Anecdotal evidence suggests that lemon juice draws impurities out of pores and aids in the lightening of skin. However, it can also dry out your skin and cause inflammation. Apply some lemon juice to a tiny patch of skin to see how it reacts. Turmeric and yogurt are also similarly claimed to lighten the skin, but there is not enough scientific evidence to prove the same.

What You Need

  •  1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  •  ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
  •  1 tablespoon of yogurt

How To Use

  1.  Mix the lemon juice, turmeric powder, and yogurt in a bowl.
  2.  Dip a cotton ball in the mixture.
  3.  Apply it to the affected area and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  4.  Wash it off with water.
  5.  Repeat this process 2-3 times a week to see results.

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Include plain and full-fat yogurt. You can also add ½ a teaspoon of honey for extra hydration.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar may lighten hyperpigmentation on buttocks
Image: Shutterstock

Many people use apple cider vinegar to lighten pigmentation on the skin. It contains acetic acid that is said to function as a mild chemical peel. According to a study, apple cider vinegar contains polyphenolsi  XNaturally occurring compounds and micronutrients present in plant-based foods that are rich in antioxidants. that may help to protect skin cells (1). However, there is little evidence to support apple cider vinegar’s usage for treating hyperpigmentation.

What You Need

  •  1 cup apple cider vinegar
  •  1 cup water

How To Use

  1.  Mix the apple cider vinegar and water.
  2.  Apply the solution to your buttocks.
  3.  Rinse it off thoroughly after 20 minutes.
  4.  Use the mixture twice a day after washing your buttocks.

Caution: Stop using apple cider vinegar if you experience irritation or inflammation.

5. Oatmeal Yogurt and Honey

Oatmeal provides many benefits to the skin. It removes dead skin cells while also cleansing the skin when used as a scrub. Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can treat dark spots, patches, and scars. It also protects the skin against ultraviolet rays (2). Therefore, it may be of some help in reducing the hyperpigmentation on your behind.

What You Need

  •  1 tablespoon of oats
  •  1 tablespoon of honey
  •  1 tablespoon of yogurt

How To Use

  1.  Add the oats and honey to a mixing bowl.
  2.  Mix the yogurt with the rest of the ingredients until you have a thick paste.
  3.  Apply the mixture to your buttocks and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
  4.  Rinse it off with lukewarm water to remove the residue.
  5.  Repeat this method three times a week to achieve the desired results.

Why treat hyperpigmentation when you can prevent it? Follow the steps mentioned in the next section to prevent hyperpigmentation on the buttocks.

How To Prevent Hyperpigmentation On The Buttocks

Woman wearing loose clothes to hyperpigmentation on buttocks
Image: Shutterstock
  •  Wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid fabric softeners.
  •  Shower right after your workout to wash away sweat and bacteria.
  •  Exfoliate your skin regularly.
  •  Ensure your skin is moisturized.
  •  Maintain a balanced diet.
  •  Stay hydrated.
  •  Avoid shaving. Shaving damages the skin and causes scarring and darkening of the skin.
  •  Avoid hair removal lotions. They contain chemicals that can damage sensitive skin.
  •  When cleansing the buttocks and the area between the thighs, use an unscented, non-acidic, mild soap.
  •  Avoid comedogenici  XThe tendency of ingredients used in cosmetics and skin care products to clog skin pores and cause blackheads and acne. lotions and body creams.
  •  Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or more to prevent exposed skin from darkening.

In most cases, hyperpigmentation can be treated with home remedies and proper skin care. But, sometimes, you may need to consult a dermatologist when symptoms like itching accompany it. Keep reading to learn more.

When Should You See A Doctor?

You should consult an expert in dermatology when you notice any of the following symptoms:

  •  When the cause is not obvious.
  •  When the hyperpigmentation does not reduce on time.
  •  Pain
  •  Itching
  •  Uncommon skin colors

Infographic: How To Get Rid Of Hyperpigmentation On Buttocks

Do you have discoloration on your buttocks and are confused about how to reduce it or prevent it from occurring again? We explain everything here, from prevention to remedies. Check out the infographic below to find out how to get rid of hyperpigmentation on your buttocks.

how to get rid of hyperpigmentation on buttocks (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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The Final Takeaway

Hyperpigmentation on the buttocks is a common skin condition. There are several treatment methods available to help you overcome it. Regularly cleansing, as well as wearing breathable clothing, can help to reduce this discoloration. You can also use the home remedies discussed above to treat it. However, if the cause is not obvious and you experience symptoms like pain, itching, and discoloration, consult a doctor immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dark buttocks normal?

Yes. This skin on the buttocks is usually darker than the rest of your body. Darkening around the buttocks can be caused by various factors, but it is usually harmless.

Can I bleach my buttocks?

Yes. You can bleach your buttocks. However, ensure to follow proper bleaching procedures and use safe products. Improper techniques and harsh products may cause infections, skin problems, and discoloration.

How do you get rid of a dark butt in a week?

You may use home remedies like turmeric paste, lemon juice, yogurt, and orange peel powder masks to brighten your butt fast. However, the result may vary from person to person.

Key Takeaways

  • Overproduction of melanin due to friction on the skin cause hyperpigmentation.
  • Poor hygiene, tight clothing, excessive sun exposure are a few reasons for skin discoloration.
  • PICO Genesis is an advanced laser treatment that helps fade unwanted pigmentation.

Learn how to treat uneven body pigmentation on dark skin tones. Check out this video for tips on improving your skin’s appearance and confidently embracing it.


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  1. The Effect of External Apple Vinegar Application on Varicosity Symptoms Pain and Social Appearance Anxiety A Randomized Controlled Trial
  2. Oatmeal in dermatology: A brief review
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