Mesotherapy For Hair – Procedure, Results, Side Effects, And More

Understand the nuances of this hair fall treatment option to know what to expect.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Priya Gill, MBBCH, MRCP
Written by Arshiya Syeda
Edited by Eshna Das, Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Swathi E, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

If you have ever had hair fall or serious hair loss, chances are you have been recommended mesotherapy at some point. But does mesotherapy help the hair growth cycle? Mesotherapy is an excellent treatment option for people experiencing hair loss. This procedure is non-invasive and painless and involves injecting stem cell serum or platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. Continue reading to learn more about the procedure, cost, and adverse reactions.

What Is Mesotherapy For Hair?

Woman receiving mesotherapy injection in a clinic
Image: Shutterstock

Hair mesotherapy is also known as mesoplasty or mesohair. It involves injecting medications with anti-inflammatory mediums such as hyaluronic acid directly into the scalp. This technique acts on the epidermis, dermal connective tissue, blood circulation, oxygenation, and the immune and neurosensory systemsi  XA part of the nervous system responsible for processing sensory activities like hearing, vision, taste, and smell. .

Mesotherapy may help in improving certain forms of alopecia like telogen effluviumi  XA reversible condition in which hair loss occurs due to stress or traumatic event and may continue for 2-3 months. , androgenetic alopeciai  XA common form of permanent hair loss from the scalp due to androgens (the male sex hormones). ,alopecia areatai  XAn autoimmune disorder where the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss in patches. , and stress alopecia. However, there is very little scientific evidence to show that this technique can eliminate hair loss.

The objective of this treatment is to restore and increase microcirculation in the scalp, provide nutrients, aid in hair follicle stimulation, and promote hair regrowth. The following chemicals and ingredients may stimulate hair growth and encourage new hair production (1), (2), (3):

  • Biotin
  • Buflomedil
  • Dexenol
  • Dutasteride
  • Finasteride
  • Minoxidil
  • Organic silicium
  • Vitamins
  • Acetyl tetrapetide-3
  • Biochanin-A
  • PRP
  • Nano peptides
  • Cocktails

The materials used for mesotherapy can be classified as – principal/major ingredients (that are backed by scientific evidence and approved by the FDA) and complementary/minor ingredients (that claim to improve the existing condition). An effective cocktail contains at least two to three principal agents.

There is a lack of scientific research to establish which cocktail and application scheme are the most effective in hair mesotherapy to aid in hair strengthening and growth. The amounts of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, pharmaceuticals, homeopathic agents, natural plant extracts, and bioactive substances used in these injections depend on the dermatologist’s practice and experience.

History Of Mesotherapy

Woman concerned about hair fall that may be treated by mesotherapy
Image: Shutterstock

The term ‘mesotherapy’ was first coined by Dr. Michel Pistor in 1958. He used this as a pain-relieving technique to treat conditions in rheumatology, sports, traumatology, infectious diseases, and vascular diseases. Dr. Lionel Bissoon learned the technique in France and later popularized it in the US. Its cosmetic applications, particularly for the removal of fat and cellulite and treating hair loss, have recently received worldwide attention.

protip_icon Did You Know?
When it comes to cosmetic applications, mesotherapy was also used for other purposes like removing fine lines and skin tightening in later years.

How Does Mesotherapy For Hair Loss Work?

Before and after images showing the effect of mesotherapy
Image: Shutterstock

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic medicine treatment used to restore volume and luster to thinning hair. It involves inserting micro-injections of pharmaceutical agents, amino acids, vitamins, and others into the epidermal layer of the skin. This stimulates the mesoderm layeri  XThe primary germ layer that develops into connective tissues in the body and the skin layers. and encourages hair growth and promotes new hair production. It is a rapidly growing treatment in advanced hair care.

The technique is based on the fact that most hair loss problems occur due to hormone issues around the hair follicles (like DHT), lack of proper nutrients that aid hair health, and reduced blood circulation to the scalp.

The mesotherapy solution that is injected into the scalp contains a combination of specific chemicals, vitamins, co-enzymes, and amino acids that are tailored based on the patient’s requirements. It can help in collagen synthesis, cell proliferation, and improved hair density. Mesotherapy encourages the growth of new and healthy hair strands. Both men and women can benefit from this technique.

What Is The Process Of Mesotherapy For Hair?

Mesotherapy for hair is performed in two ways:

1. Chemical Mesotherapy

Ingredients like buflomedil, minoxidil, finasteride, dutasteride, biotin, vitamins, and organic silicium are injected into the skin’s mesoderm layer. These ingredients work together to stimulate natural hair growth by improving blood circulation, neutralizing excess DHT, reducing inflammation, and stimulating collagen production to stop hair loss.

2. Mechanical Mesotherapy

The doctor creates micro-perforations in the affected area, which induces hair growth. This motion triggers collagen and elastin production. These help in the formation of new tissues in your hair. During this process, there is no damage to the existing collagen.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Do not wash your hair or bathe for at least 8 hours after the treatment. Following the treatment, you must stay out of the sun for the next 48 hours.

How Long Does The Treatment Last?

Woman with trichologist checking the effect of mesotherapy
Image: IStock

The duration of the treatment depends on the individual, but on average, you will need the therapy for about four months, once a week.

The treatment usually spans eight sessions, one every week, for half an hour each. One must be patient and composed while undergoing this treatment as visible results are only observed after the fifth session.

Of course, once your body starts responding to the treatment, the duration and frequency of the treatment will be reduced.

What Are The Side Effects Of Mesotherapy?

Trichologist checks patients hair for any side effects of mesotherapy.
Image: Shutterstock

A study was done to demonstrate the late-onset effects of mesotherapy for alopecia. Three patients with androgenetic alopecia experienced hair loss after previously uneventful mesotherapy sessions for a year. The study concludes that mesotherapy for androgenetic alopecia may induce hair loss and inflamed scar tissues (4).

In another study, two patients developed patchy alopecia after undergoing mesotherapy for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (5).

Mesotherapy may also cause acute complications like scalp abscesses (6). Some people may also experience bruising, edema, headache, itching, and pain (7).

Who Should Not Go For Mesotherapy For Hair Loss?

Do not opt for mesotherapy if you (7):

  • are allergic to any of the substances used in mesotherapy
  • have diabetes, liver, kidney, or cardiac issues
  • are pregnant or lactating
  • are on anticoagulants
  • have an infection or lesion in the affected area.

How Much Does Mesotherapy Cost?

The cost of mesotherapy depends on the type of treatment and the number of sessions. A single session costs anywhere between $250 and $600. As mesotherapy is a non-invasive cosmetic technique and does not involve surgery, insurance companies usually don’t cover the cost.

Care And Maintenance

This treatment may prevent the need for hair transplant surgeries and other expensive and painful alternatives. However, for optimum results, the patient should maintain a healthy diet, eliminate the intake of junk food and toxins, and follow a regular fitness regimen.

Infographic: 6 Reasons Mesotherapy Is Not Suitable For You

Mesotherapy is an excellent alternative to hair loss treatments that require injecting stem cells or platelet-rich plasma into the scalp. Although it is a non-invasive method and is the preferred choice of those who are not open to surgery, it is not suitable for all. Check out the infographic below to know more.

6 reasons mesotherapy is not suitable for you (infographic)

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Hair mesotherapy is a non-surgical process involving injecting medicines into the scalp to boost hair growth. Using mesotherapy for hair growth helps restore hair by increasing microcirculation on the scalp, slowing down the follicle shrinkage, and providing the essential nutrients. It is a relatively painless process and has become popular in recent years. The cost of the treatment depends on the type of treatment and the number of sessions. However, be wary of the side effects before opting for it. Consult a trusted and experienced medical professional to know more about the treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is mesotherapy for hair painful?

No, if done properly, it is one of the least painful hair regenerative methods out there.

How soon can I expect to see results after the first treatment?

The results of any hair restoration treatment always vary between individuals, but in most cases, it will take 2–3 months before results are noticeable.

Is mesotherapy for hair permanent?

Unfortunately, the results do not last long in mesotherapy for hair.

How is PRP different from mesotherapy?

PRP is a more complex procedure than mesotherapy. In PRP, blood is withdrawn from the patient and checked for analysis. After a complicated series of processes, clear blood plasma and concentrated rich plasma are injected into the person’s scalp to stimulate hair growth.

Can I wash my hair after mesotherapy?

No. It is recommended to wash your hair 24 hours mesotherapy.

Can I exercise after hair mesotherapy?

It is recommended to avoid vigorous exercise for 48 hours after getting hair mesotherapy done. This is because the sweat from your scalp may hinder the treatment.

Can I drink coffee after mesotherapy?

No. It is recommended to avoid coffee, alcohol, and smoking before and after mesotherapy to achieve the best results.

Key Takeaways

  • Mesotherapy addresses hair loss by directly injecting the necessary amount of medicines into the scalp.
  • It helps boost circulation to the scalp and provides stimulation for new hair growth.
  • The procedure requires about eight sessions of half an hour each, where you may notice visible results after the fifth session.
  • However, it may lead to side effects like scarring or scalp abscesses.

Dive into the video below and explore the world of mesotherapy for hair and how it can enhance your hair volume. Click on the video now and learn about this innovative treatment and its potential benefits for achieving fuller, voluminous hair.


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