Is Grapefruit Beneficial For Your Skin?

Learn how this citrus fruit can help you get glowing and healthy skin.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Priya Gill, MBBCH, MRCP
Written by Arshiya Syeda
Edited by Ramona Sinha, Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Shiboli Chakraborti, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

People around the world use many different fruits to nourish their skin. But, can you use grapefruit for skin care? Does it offer any skin benefits?

Grapefruit, also known as the forbidden fruit, is a versatile citrus fruit that is both healthy and refreshing. It is rich in several nutrients (1). While this hybrid fruit is a nutritious breakfast or snack option, its health benefits are not the only thing it has to offer. Are you curious about the benefits of grapefruit for your skin? Continue reading to learn more.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Grapefruit

What Is It?
A subtropical citrus fruit that tastes bittersweet and sour.

What Are Its Benefits?
Improves skin health, helps heal wounds, and reduces signs of anti-aging, and protects the skin from UV rays.

Who Can Use It?
Suitable for all skin types, especially people with Vitamin C deficiency.

How Often?
Regularly, but in moderation.

People with liver or small intestine-related issues should avoid consuming it.

Why Is Grapefruit Good For Your Skin?

Woman with flawless skin holding a grapefruit
Image: Shutterstock

Grapefruit is a juicy citrus fruit with a sour to bittersweet flavor. While the fruit is known to promote general health, it also is good for the skin. One major reason is its vitamin C content.

Like most citrus fruits, grapefruit is a rich source of vitamin C. Half a medium grapefruit can offer you about 50% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C (2). This vitamin acts as a powerful antioxidant in the human body. Antioxidants play a big role in neutralizing the impact of free radicals in the body and fight inflammation. Vitamin C also helps in collagen synthesis. Collagen is an essential protein that works to maintain your skin health (3).

To further understand how good grapefruit can be for your skin, read the following section.

Benefits Of Grapefruit For Skin

Incorporating grapefruit into your daily skincare routine can provide several benefits for your skin. Here is how.

1. May Limit The Impact Of UV Rays

Grapefruit is loaded with Vitamin C that can help protect your skin against the damage caused by the ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. The free radicals in your body are responsible for skin damage. The antioxidant activity of vitamin C acts against these free radicals and limits their impact on skin cells. Vitamin C also helps increase the chances of cell survival after they are exposed to UV rays (4), (5).

2. May Decrease Photodamage Or Wrinkle Formation

Photodamage and natural aging are two processes that bring several changes to your skin. Photodamage occurs when your skin is damaged due to the absorption of UV light. Your skin may suffer from a loss of elasticity, resulting in wrinkles and dryness. The vitamin C in grapefruits can enhance collagen protein synthesis and may help repair any skin damage. The collagen can help keep your skin looking wrinkle-free and youthful (5).

3. Keeps Skin Hydrated

Woman with hydrated skin holding grapefruit
Image: Shutterstock

Almost 90% of a raw grapefruit is water. This high water content can be good for your skin. Magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, a vitamin C derivative, aids skin hydration by reducing water loss from the skin surface (6). Dehydrated skin can look dry, dull, and flaky. Dry skin loses its suppleness and is predisposed to develop wrinkles. Hydrated skin has a better appearance and texture.

4. May Help Heal Wounds

The vitamin C in grapefruit may promote wound healing. This happens due to the collagen synthesis that vitamin C supports (5).

5. May Help Reduce Pigmentation

Grapefruit can be effective in reducing skin pigmentation. Its vitamin C may act as a depigmentation agent. The nutrient works to decrease the formation of melanin, the natural skin pigment that can make skin, hair, and eyes appear darker (6). The antioxidant action of beta carotene in grapefruit helps brighten the skin (7). The acid content of grapefruit serves as a chemical exfoliation element, making the skin brighter and evens the skin tone.

6. Reduces Inflammation

The vitamin C in grapefruit helps control the activities of NFkB, a protein complex known to activate pro-inflammatory cytokines. In other words, this vitamin acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. It can help reduce inflammation in several skin conditions, including rosacea and acne. Vitamin C also helps limit post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (6).
Now that you know the importance of grapefruit for skin health, it is time to understand how to use it correctly to reap all of the benefits.

How To Use Grapefruit For Skin?

There are several ways you can experience the benefits of grapefruit for your skin. You can use this fruit externally or internally through the following natural remedies.

1. Include In Your Diet

Woman eating grapefruit with a spoon
Image: Shutterstock

You can enjoy grapefruits as part of your diet. The fruit is juicy and flavorful and is an ideal snack when you feel hungry. You can even have this fruit in a juiced form. Add lime juice or mint leaves to make your drink more appealing.

protip_icon Quick Tip
You may also use this scrumptious fruit in salads, smoothies, curd, jams, baked products, and wine and as an alternative to tomatoes in salsa.

2. Use As A Mask: Easy DIY Masks

Woman with grapefruit mask on her face
Image: Shutterstock

Here are a few simple DIY grapefruit masks for your skin:

DIY Mask 1: Grapefruit And Yogurt Anti-Acne Mask


  • ½ grapefruit, medium
  • ½ cup of Greek Yogurt


  • 1 small bowl
  • Spoon
  • Face mask brush


  • Take the grapefruit and the yogurt in a small bowl and mix them using the spoon.
  • Cleanse your face and apply a thin layer of this mixture using the face mask brush.
  • Allow the mask to remain on your face for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and apply your regular moisturizer.
  • You can use this mask once every week.

DIY Mask 2: Grapefruit, Sugar, And Grapeseed Oil Body Scrub


  • Juice from half a grapefruit
  • 3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil
  • 1 cup of sugar


  • 1 small bowl
  • Spoon


  • Combine the grapefruit juice, grapeseed oil, and sugar in a small bowl using a spoon.
  • Clean your face and apply the mask using your fingers.
  • Scrub your dry skin gently.
  • Use this scrub in a single sitting as it contains fresh juice.

DIY Mask 3: Grapefruit, Honey, And Cornmeal Mask For Acne


  • Juice from half a grapefruit
  • ½ cup of cornmeal
  • 1 tablespoon of honey


  • 1 small bowl
  • Spoon
  • Face mask brush (optional)


  • Take a bowl and mix the cornmeal, honey, and grapefruit juice using the spoon.
  • Apply the mask to your skin using your fingers or a face mask brush.
  • Let it stay for about 10 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water.
  • You can use this mask on your face or anywhere else where you have acne breakouts.

DIY Mask 4: Grapefruit, Egg White, And Sour Cream Face Mask For Oily Skin

Hand juicing grapefruit to mix with egg whites
Image: Shutterstock


  • Juice from a small grapefruit
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon of sour cream


  • 2 small bowls
  • Hand whisk
  • Small airtight container
  • Face mask brush (optional)


  • Take a bowl and beat the egg white until it becomes fluffy.
  • Cut the grapefruit and give it a squeeze to collect about 2 teaspoons of juice in a bowl.
  • Mix the sour cream, grapefruit juice, and egg white.
  • Whisk the ingredients till they attain a creamy consistency.
  • Apply the mask to cleansed face and neck area using your fingers or a face mask brush. Avoid applying to the eye area.
  • Let it stay on for 15 to 20 minutes before washing with lukewarm water.
  • Pat dry your face and apply your regular moisturizer.
  • You can store any excess mask in an airtight container inside the fridge for 2 days.
  • You can use this mask twice a week.
protip_icon Quick Tip
Coconut milk is a good choice if you want to replace sour cream with a non-dairy substitute.

Infographic: 5 Ways Grapefruit Improves Skin Health

Grapefruit is not only a delicious citrus treat but also offers numerous benefits for your skin. From promoting a brighter complexion to protecting against UV damage, grapefruit has become a popular ingredient in skin care. Take a look at the infographic below to learn the top 5 advantages of grapefruit for the skin.

5 grapefruit benefits for the skin (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Grapefruit has numerous skin and health benefits. Grapefruit turns out to be more of an overachiever than we expected – this wonderful fruit is packed with nutrients that enhance, protect, and hydrate the skin. This fruit is high in vitamin C and can help your skin in various ways. This fruit can be eaten or used externally as a face mask or scrub. We are confident that you will be pleased with the outcomes if you follow the tips and include this fruit in your diet and skin care routine. However, give your skin a breather if you notice any burning sensations, redness, or exacerbated breakouts. Consult your doctor if you experience any major adverse effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does grapefruit have salicylic acid?

Yes, grapefruit is a natural source of salicylic acid that helps cleanse pores and clear breakouts.

Which fruit is good for acne-prone skin?

Apart from grapefruit, oranges, and citrus fruits, pomegranate, papaya, and strawberries are a few other fruits that are good for acne-prone skin.

Does grapefruit brighten skin?

Yes, grapefruit contains vitamin C that helps fight radical damage and repair the skin, thereby brightening it.

Does grapefruit oil tighten skin?

Vitamin C helps in collagen synthesis that can result in skin tightening. Grapefruit also acts as an exfoliate to keep your pores tight and clean.

Is it OK to eat a grapefruit every day?

Yes. It is okay to eat a grapefruit every day. You can have it as part of your breakfast or as a snack in between meals.

Is grapefruit safe for all skin types?

Yes,grapefruit is safe for all skin types. However, it is best to do a patch test if you have extremely dry and sensitive skin as the presence of vitamin C may cause irritation in some people.

Can grapefruit cause skin irritation or allergies?

Yes, grapefruit may cause skin allergies like rashes, swelling, vomiting, and hives.

Key Takeaways

  • Grapefruit is a citrus fruit rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and fights free radicals.
  • Using grapefruit in your daily skin care routine may protect your skin from UV rays, stimulate wound healing, and keep your skin hydrated.
  • You can incorporate grapefruit into your diet in the form of juice or use it along with grapeseed oil, egg white, or yogurt as a hair mask.

Discover 3 easy ways to use grapefruit in your natural beauty routine! Learn how to make a face mask, body scrub, and lip balm with this delicious citrus fruit in this video. Check it out now!


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