Bleaching Your Hair with Coconut Oil – A Step by Step Guide

Ditch the chemicals and dive into the goodness of natural oil to bleach your hair

Medically reviewed by Dr. M. Khawar Nazir, MBBS
Written by Ramona Sinha, Certified Skin Care Coach
Edited by Anjali Sayee
Fact-checked by Swathi E, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Hair bleach contains harmful chemicals that can cause hair damage. But bleaching your hair with coconut oil may reduce the adverse effects to some extent. Applying the oil to your hair can reduce protein loss (1).

Our hair is made with a protein known as keratin, and bleaches can strip off the natural hair oil (sebum) and protein from hair. They may also make your hair rough, dry, and brittle. But this hair oil works great on your hair and prevents all the damage caused by the bleaching process. This article explores a step-by-step guide to using coconut oil for bleached hair and its benefits. Keep reading.

Using Coconut Oil For Bleached Hair: A Step by Step Guide

Here is how you can do a coconut oil treatment before hair bleaching at home.

Step 1: Melt The Coconut Oil

Melting coconut oil to use it before bleaching hair
Image: Shutterstock

If the coconut oil has solidified, scoop out a small quantity, and use the double boiler method to melt it. If you have short hair, you may rub the solidified oil between your palms and then apply it to your hair.

Step 2: Separate The Hair Into Sections

Part your hair into three sections before applying coconut oil. This will ensure all the hair strands are evenly coated with the oil.

Step 3: Coat Your Hair With Coconut Oil

Gently massage the coconut oil from the roots to the tip, one section at a time. Do not rub vigorously. Work along the length of your hair.

protip_icon Quick Tip
You can also use a hair dye brush made of synthetic bristles to apply coconut oil on your hair for even distribution.

Step 4: Cover Your Hair

Cover your hair with a shower cap or a scarf and leave it overnight. This will allow the coconut oil to penetrate the hair shafts.

Step 5: Bleach Hair With Coconut Oil In It

Apply bleach to the oil-coated hair. The oil creates a barrier between the bleaching agent and the hair, minimizing the damaging effects of the hair bleach.

Leave the bleach on for the prescribed time and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. If you are wondering what type of coconut oil you should use on your hair, keep reading.

What Type of Coconut Oil is Right for your Hair?

Virgin coconut oil is ideal for bleaching hair
Image: Shutterstock

It is always better to use unrefined or virgin coconut oil compared to processed coconut oil. This is because virgin coconut oil is extracted with the cold-process method that keeps all the nutrients intact. Further processing may cause nutrient loss.

Coconut oil is a triglyceride of lauric acid and has a low molecular weight. As a result, it easily penetrates the hair shafts and protects the hair protein (1). Virgin coconut oil is considered to retain all the goodness of the oil.

Here is how coconut oil may help protect your hair from harsh bleaching agents.

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil Before Hair Bleaching

Woman achieving moisturized bleached hair after using coconut oil
Image: Shutterstock

Coconut oil is popular in natural hair care routines due to the major role it plays in hair health. You can incorporate it into your hair treatment regimen, follow hair care tips, and use high-quality hair care products to improve the appearance of your hair. Achieve hair damage prevention while enhancing your hair color with coconut oil. Here are some of its major benefits:

  • Using coconut oil as a pre-wash hair mask reduces protein loss and minimizes further damage caused by bleaching.
  • Coconut oil helps the hair retain moisture (2). This, in turn, keeps the hair soft and nourished. Using coconut oil on bleached hair can help reduce dryness and keep the hair moisturized.
  • Since coconut oil penetrates the hair shafts and keeps them moisturized, it also prevents split ends.
protip_icon Quick Tip
Use coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner once a week or as a deep conditioner mask once a month to keep your bleached hair soft and nourished.

Infographic: Ultimate Guide To Bleach Your Hair With Coconut Oil

Bleaches comprise harmful chemicals that remove the natural, protective oil (sebum) on the scalp and keratin from hair. However, bleaching your hair with coconut oil levels protein loss and decreases their adverse effects to some extent. Let’s look at a step-by-step guide on how to bleach your hair with coconut oil.

ultimate guide to bleach your hair with coconut oil (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Constant usage of hair bleach can strip your hair of natural oils and make your hair dry. You can instead opt for bleaching your hair with coconut oil. Coconut oil is a nutritionally-rich ingredient that reduces protein loss and keeps your hair hydrated. Before bleaching your hair at home, follow the step-by-step guide mentioned in the article for soft, healthy, and nourishing hair. Make sure that you purchase either unrefined or virgin coconut oil to reap the benefits of coconut oil for your bleached hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does coconut oil prevent bleach from working?

A thin layer of coconut oil may not prevent the bleach from working but may ensure minimal damage.

Should I put coconut oil in my hair before I dye it?

Yes. You may apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your hair before you dye or bleach it to prevent chemical damage.

Will coconut oil make my bleached hair brassy?

No. On the contrary, coconut oil can protect your hair’s color and maintain its health and shine.

Can I use coconut oil immediately after bleaching?

Yes. You can use coconut oil as a mask or conditioner after bleaching, and it will not affect the color.

Does coconut oil darken blonde hair?

No. Coconut oil does not change the color of hair in any way.

Key Takeaways

  • Bleaching can strip your hair of natural oils and cause extensive hair damage.
  • Using coconut oil before bleaching keeps your hair hydrated, reduces protein loss, and avoids dryness and split ends.
  • Ensure you coat your hair from the roots to the tips and leave it overnight to allow the oil to work.
  • Unrefined or virgin coconut oil is ideal for application as it retains all the natural nutrients and protects the hair from further damage.

Using coconut oil before bleaching your hair sounds weird but interesting. Watch the video below to see whether it actually helps with the bleaching process in a step-by-step guide.


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