Eucalyptus Oil For Hair – How To Use It And Side Effects

Enjoy the goodness of this essential oil by learning how to use it on your hair.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Shruti Chavan, MBBS
Written by Anjali Sayee
Edited by Eshna Das, Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Krati Darak, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Eucalyptus oil is a popular essential oil used in many hair care remedies. Using eucalyptus oil for hair may stimulate new hair growth and help maintain healthy scalp and hair. Eucalyptus leaves are dried and crushed, and then distilled to prepare this oil. Discover here the many advantages of applying eucalyptus oil to your hair and how to make the most of these benefits. Keep reading.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Eucalyptus Oil

What Is It?
The natural oil derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, native to Australia, known for its cooling minty aroma.

What Are Its Benefits?
Has antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, treats dandruff, and lice, and promotes hair and scalp health.

Who Can Use It?/Who can consume it
Those without digestive issues, eucalyptus allergies, and smell sensitivity can use it regularly.

How Often?
Can be used in a hair mask once a week.

Inhalation and oral consumption might cause severe allergic reactions and even lead to seizures.

How Is Eucalyptus Oil Good For Hair

Woman holding a bottle of eucalyptus oil
Image: Shutterstock

We have briefly discussed how eucalyptus oil can be good for your hair.

  1. Improves Cortex Growth: Eucalyptus extracts boost growth in the hair cortex. They also increase beta-sheets (a form of hair protein structure) in the hair (1).
  1. Increases Hair Gloss: Eucalyptus extracts, with regular use, also improve hair shine and bounce (2).
  1. Helps Treat Dandruff: A 2012 study showed that eucalyptus has anti-fungal properties and can be used as an anti-dandruff agent (3). The study diluted eucalyptus oil with coconut oil and used the mixture to treat dandruff.
  1. Has Antioxidant And Anti-inflammatory Properties: Eucalyptus oil contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties (2). The oil may fight free radical damage and premature hair graying.

According to a 2019 YouGov poll involving 12,589 adults in the United States, 29% of the respondents expressed worry about their hair turning gray. Among these individuals, 19% were males and 38% were females. Notably, a considerable proportion of respondents in the age groups of 18-24 (35%) and 45-54 (34%) expressed concern about graying hair. These individuals may benefit from adding eucalyptus oil to their hair care regime.

It also may help soothe scalp irritation and inflammation.

  1. Improves Hair Quality: In another study, eucalyptus oil was used in shampoo as an antifungal agent. The oil was found to support hair nourishment  (4).
  1. Promotes Scalp Health: Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties that keep the scalp clean and prevent fungal infections (4), (5).
  1. Eliminates Head Lice: Eucalyptus oil, when paired with lemon tea tree oil, can be used in the treatment and prevention of head lice (6). The oil also contains terpenes that may help eliminate lice and its eggs (7), (8).
  1. Helps Prevent Piedra: Eucalyptus oil acts against the fungus Trichosporon ovoides that causes piedra, a fungal hair infection characterized by nodules on the hair shaft (9).
  1. Improves Hair Elasticity: Eucalyptus oil can increase hair elasticity and prevent hair from splitting at the ends (2). It prevents hair from breaking easily.
  1. May Prevent Scalp Disorders: Eucalyptus oil may help treat scalp disorders like psoriasis, scalp pimples, and dry scalp. However, more research is warranted in this regard.
  1. May Increase Blood Circulation: Eucalyptus oil may improve blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. However, research is limited in this regard.
  1. May Boost Ceramide Production: Eucalyptus oil may also increase the production of ceramidesi  XFat or lipid found in skin cells that holds the cells together and protects the skin from allergens and external aggressors. . These may prevent protein loss in the hair strands. However, more research is warranted in this aspect.
  1. Eucalyptus Oil Can Be Used For Hair Growth: In a study, a formulation containing eucalyptus oil stimulated hair growth (2). The oil may also prevent dandruff and improve blood flow. Another study showed that aromatherapyi  XA holistic method that involves the use of essential oils to promote health and physical and psychological well-being. using essential oils like eucalyptus might prevent hair loss, stimulate hair growth, and improve overall scalp and hair health (10).

protip_icon Trivia
Eucalyptus oil has three broad uses: medicinal, industrial, and perfumery or flavoring (2).

These are the various ways eucalyptus oil may help promote hair health. The following section highlights the procedure to use the oil to achieve the same.
protip_icon Did You Know?
There was a belief in nineteenth-century England that eucalyptus oil had antimicrobial properties and was used to disinfect instruments in hospitals.

How To Use Eucalyptus Oil For Hair Growth

Woman uses eucalyptus oil for hair growth.
Image: Shutterstock

You Will Need

  • Eucalyptus oil: 2 to 4 drops
  • Coconut oil 2 tablespoons


  1. Warm the coconut oil a little. Ensure it is not hot.
  2. Mix the warm coconut oil with the eucalyptus oil.
  3. Apply the mixture to your hair and scalp.
  4. Massage it into the scalp with your fingers for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  5. Use a comb to spread the oil evenly over the scalp. The motion of the comb on the scalp also has a massaging effect.
  6. Leave the oil blend on your hair for 45 minutes to an hour.
  7. Wash it with warm water and shampoo.

Prep Time

2 minutes

Processing Time

45 minutes to an hour

How Often

Once a week until hair improvement is noticed. You can then use it once every two weeks. 

Why It Works

Coconut oil can help stimulate hair growth and improve hair texture while also protecting the hair from damage and protein loss (11). It also prevents dandruff and lice (12). Eucalyptus oil also can stimulate hair growth and improve overall scalp health (10). A mixture of these two oils may enhance long-term hair health.

We saw how to use eucalyptus oil for boosting hair health. But the natural remedies made from this oil may also cause certain adverse effects. It is better to be aware of them before you start using this herbal oil.

Side Effects Of Eucalyptus Oil For Hair

Eucalyptus oil may cause allergic reactions.
Image: Shutterstock

Eucalyptus oil may cause poisoning and show symptoms like vomiting, CNS depression, epigastric paini  XPain or discomfort in the upper abdomen, just below the ribs, characterized by gas, bloating, or heartburn. , nauseai  XAn uneasy feeling in the stomach that causes an urge to vomit but does not always lead to vomiting. , contact dermatitisi  XA condition that makes skin red, inflamed, itchy, or cracked after contact with a substance or allergen. , hypotensioni  XA condition characterized by blood pressure levels below the normal range that can lead to dizziness and fainting. , and tachycardiai  XA condition that makes your heart beat faster than normal (more than 100 times per minute) (13). This oil cannot be used in its concentrated form. It has to be diluted for correct usage. Inhaling eucalyptus oil may lead to seizures. It may also cause allergic reactions and skin inflammation symptoms like redness, burning sensation, bumps, and itching.

Perform a patch test before using the oil. Dilute a drop of eucalyptus oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture to a part of the forearm or behind the neck. Check for any redness, swelling, or other reactions.

You can also dilute eucalyptus oil in other ways before using it on your hair. 

How To Dilute Eucalyptus Oil For Hair

Woman dilutes eucalyptus oil before using.
Image: Shutterstock

Eucalyptus oil cannot be used directly on the hair and scalp. It needs to be diluted with a base/carrier oil. You may also use jojoba oil, castor oil, almond oil, argan oil, or olive oil. Most of these oils can penetrate the hair fibers and enhance the absorption and effectiveness of eucalyptus oil.

You may also add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to your conditioner or shampoo. Such a combination may also help treat dandruff.

Infographic: Top 5 Benefits Of Eucalyptus Oil For Hair

Eucalyptus oil has been used for treating a variety of conditions. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties help treat many scalp issues and offer several hair benefits. Check out the infographic below to learn about the top benefits of eucalyptus oil for hair.

top 5 benefits of eucalyptus oil for hair (infographic)

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The verdict is in –⁠ it is good to use eucalyptus oil for hair care due to its many hair care benefits, such as increased growth and hair shine. When paired with lemon or tree oil, it can be used to fight and prevent head lice. It also prevents fungal infections like piedra and scalp disorders. This oil can stimulate hair growth and, when used in aromatherapy, may prevent hair loss. You can use eucalyptus oil by combining it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil. But eucalyptus oil should not be used in its concentrated form. It should be diluted with a carrier oil and then applied to the scalp. This oil may cause skin inflammation, allergic reactions, and other side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does eucalyptus oil cause gray hair?

No. In fact, eucalyptus oil treats some of the causes of premature graying, like hair damage and scalp disorders, to improve overall hair and scalp health.

In addition to eucalyptus oil, what other ingredients are effective in treating dandruff?

You can use coconut oil, rosemary oil, basil oil, tea tree oil, peppermint oil, and lemongrass oil to reduce dandruff. You can also use apple cider vinegar, aloe vera, probiotics, baking soda, onion juice, garlic, lemon juice, and fenugreek seeds.

Can I mix rosemary oil and eucalyptus oil for hair growth?

Yes, you can mix rosemary and eucalyptus oils together and apply it to your hair and scalp. Make sure you dilute both essential oils with a carrier oil, like coconut oil. After you apply the oil blend, massage it into your scalp.

Key Takeaways

  • Eucalyptus oil has antimicrobial properties that help treat dandruff, eliminate head lice, and improve overall hair shine and texture.
  • However, using concentrated eucalyptus oil can result in side effects such as an allergic reaction, skin inflammation, and nausea.
  • It is, thus, important to mix eucalyptus oil with a carrier oil such as almond oil, argan oil, or olive oil to experience the benefits of eucalyptus oil.

For generations, eucalyptus oil has been used as a natural remedy to encourage hair growth. But, is it truly effective? Check the video to find out!


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