9 Benefits Of Hair Spa, Treatments, And How To Do It At Home

Give your hair that much-deserved care and revitalize it with DIY hair care treatments.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Shruti Chavan, MBBS
Written by Anjali Sayee
Edited by Ramona Sinha, Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Krati Darak, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

We all are aware of the fact that a hair spa is a rejuvenating hair treatment. The benefits of hair spa include proper nourishment and moisturization of the hair and scalp. If you have dry, oily, damaged, unmanageable, and breakage-prone hair, then a hair spa can be your one-stop solution for all the problems. It can leave your hair silky and smooth. This article discusses more benefits of a hair spa and an easy DIY hair spa tutorial that you can try at your home. Read on.

What Is A Hair Spa?

A spread of hair spa products
Image: Shutterstock

A hair spa is a relaxing and soothing hair care treatment offered by salons to revitalize hair. It improves hair texture and appearance and makes your hair soft, smooth, and shiny. It reduces the detrimental effects of pollution, weather, dirt, and UV rays on hair. It transforms dry and brittle hair into hydrated, beautiful tresses.

Here are some of the advantages of a hair spa treatment.

Benefits Of A Hair Spa

  • Regulates sebum production
  • Conditions the hair and scalp to prevent dryness
  • Rejuvenates dry, brittle, rough, and thinning hair
  • Reduces hair loss
  • Stimulates hair growth
  • Cleanses the scalp and prevents dandruff
  • Improves hair and scalp health
  • Unclogs pores and removes product residue and dirt from the scalp
  • Increases blood circulation
  • Repairs damaged hair

There are many treatments offered at hair spas. We have listed them below.

Treatments Available At Hair Spas

Woman enjoying a hair spa treatment done by a salon professional
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Hair Growth Treatments: Hair loss is a prevalent problem and may affect an individuals mental state. Hair spas offer hair growth treatments that reduce or treat hair loss and its causes. They also may promote hair growth.
  1. Deep Conditioning Treatments: These treatments are meant for dry and brittle hair. They use masks and packs filled with hydrating ingredients to rejuvenate and moisturize your hair strands.
  1. De-stressor Treatments: Stress is among the major causes of hair loss issues like alopecia and telogen effluviumi  XA common scalp disorder characterized by hair thinning and hair loss due to acute psychological stress or any other form of chronic illness. (1). Stress increases free radical production and leads to hair loss due to oxidative damage. Hair spas offer de-stressori  XRelating to an agent or activity that relieves stress and reduces tension to lighten your mood. treatments that keep you relaxed, potentially reducing hair loss.
  1. Dandruff Treatments: Dandruff affects about 50% of the general population (2). It is primarily caused by Malassezia furfuri  XA type of fungus that thrives on oils and fatty acids from the skin and can cause various skin disorders including seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff. . It may even cause hair loss and scalp inflammation if left untreated. Hair spas offer anti-dandruff treatments that use antimicrobial and antifungal ingredients to cleanse and protect the scalp.
  1. Chemical- And Color-Treated Hair Treatments: Regular use of chemicals, hair colors, bleach, and other styling treatments can leave hair damaged and dry (3). You may opt for this treatment at a hair spa to revitalize and fortify your damaged hair strands. These treatments undo the damage done to your hair by chemicals and colorantsi  XA coloring substance used to impart a color or pigment to something to enhance its properties or appearance. .
  1. Smoothing Treatments: This treatment is for those who have to deal with frizz, static, and flyaways. Frizz occurs due to the interfiber frictioni  XA form of resistance or force opposing the motion between two or more fibers. within the hair shaft (3). These smoothing treatments leave hair silky smooth by diminishing frizz. They reduce the interfiber friction and soften the hair strands.
  1. Hair Restoration Treatments: Regular grooming habits, pollution, dirt, and sun exposure leave hair dry, dirty, damaged, and weakened (3). Sun exposure may also lighten your natural or added hair color. You may opt for these treatments if you feel your hair is damaged beyond repair.
  1. Aromatherapy: Aromatherapyi  XA holistic therapy using aromatic substances to promote a sense of calmness and enhance physical and mental well-being. is an effective way to stimulate hair growth (4). Many hair spas today offer aromatherapy treatments that include beneficial essential oils.

These treatments stimulate your hair follicles and also leave you feeling calm and refreshed.

In a survey conducted among 1000 U.S. adult citizens, 31% of respondents believe in the therapeutic efficacy of aromatherapy or roughly one-third of respondents. This indicates that aromatherapy is a popular alternative form of medicine among Americans.

  1. Hair Massage Therapy: Massaging the scalp increases blood flow and may increase hair thickness (5).

protip_icon Quick Tip
Always understand your hair requirements and ensure the salon uses quality products and tools before going for a spa treatment.

These are the various treatment options a typical hair spa at a salon offers. But what if you are unable to head to a salon? Can you achieve similar results from home?

How To Hair Spa At Home

Woman applying hair mask as part of her hair spa at home
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Destress: The first step in creating a hair spa at home is removing anything that can stress you out. These include all distractions or causes of stress, including a work environment. You may also take the day off and turn your phone and laptop off. If you are a stay-at-home mom, you may leave the kids with your husband or a babysitter. Let someone else do the meal planning or the chores for the day. Just sit and relax. Allow your shoulders to fall loose as you listen to some music that makes you happy.
  1. Hair Oil Massage: Massage your scalp with hair oil. You can warm the oil a little (ensure it is not too hot). You may apply it to the scalp in circular motions with your fingertips. Apply slight pressure without being too hard. Keep massaging for about 10 minutes and allow the oil to soak into your scalp and hair.
  1. Hair Mask: Apply a hair mask. You may choose one that caters to your specific hair issues. You may make one at home or buy one from a nearby health store or online. Apply the hair mask to your hair and relax. Allow it to soak in for about 15 minutes.
  1. Hot Towel: Warm a towel and wrap it around your head. The heat from the towel opens the scalp pores and allows the nutrients from the oil and the mask to penetrate the skin. Leave the towel on for about 5 minutes.
  1. Hair Cap: Put on a hair cap (or a shower cap) before the heat dissipates. The cap keeps the pores open for a longer time. Leave the cap on for 10 to 15 minutes.
  1. Massage: Remove the cap and massage your scalp again. You may focus more on the areas with any hair fall. Massage your scalp for 10 minutes.
  1. Wash Hair: Wash your hair with warm water and a gentle shampoo. Massage throughout the process to remove any dirt or product build-up from the pores. Massaging also stimulates your hair follicles.
  1. Condition Hair: Rinse your hair with warm water and apply a revitalizing hair conditioner. Leave it on for about 2 to 3 minutes and wash with cold water. The cold water seals the pores that are now filled with moisture.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Avoid tying your hair tightly and use heat styling tools soon after a hair spa to make the effects last longer.

We have already answered the question, ‘Is a hair spa good for hair?’. While a hair spa is beneficial in general, it (DIY or otherwise) does have a few downsides.

Disadvantages Of A Hair Spa

Woman looks upset with her dry and damaged hair as a result of chemicals used in salon hair spa treatments
Image: Shutterstock
  • Hair spa can impact one’s hair color. The spa treatments can fade artificial hair color and make hair look dull. This can be remedied by using color-friendly products and ingredients.
  • The cost of a hair spa ranges from 50$ to 200$, depending on the salon. The treatment may not be as cost-effective as you would need at least two sittings a month. You can avoid this expenditure by trying a DIY hair spa at home.
  • Salon hair spa treatments tend to use chemicals and other ingredients that may harm your hair. A DIY hair spa is ideal, as you get to choose your own ingredients.

How Long Does A Hair Spa Last?

Woman getting her hair health analysed by an expert to choose appropriate spa treatment
Image: Shutterstock

This depends on the treatment you select. A hair spa treatment usually lasts for about an hour. You can opt for a full-day spa treatment that treats all hair issues or a specific treatment that caters to your particular hair issue. If you are going for a DIY hair spa, what you do is totally up to you.

A hair spa can help manage your hair and make it silky and smooth. It can be your one-stop solution to a variety of hair care issues. This relaxing hair care treatment and hair therapy can cleanse your scalp, treat flakiness, unclog the pores, boost blood circulation, condition your hair, repair damaged hair, and boost hair growth. With a perfect hair spa, your dry and faded hair becomes hydrated, soft, smooth, and healthy. You can also do a hair spa in the comfort of your home without going to a hair salon by following the steps mentioned above. Flaunt your healthy tresses and do the best of hair styling for a classy look!

Frequently Asked Questions

How many times should we do a hair spa?

A hair spa treatment can be repeated after 20-30 days.

Can I oil my hair after a hair spa?

Hair spa treatments deeply moisturize and condition your strands. So, don’t oil your hair after it. Let your hair relax.

Can I wash my hair after the spa?

You should not wash your hair for at least 2 days after a salon hair spa treatment. However, if you’re trying an at-home treatment, you should wash your hair at the end.

Does a hair spa treatment cause hair fall?

No. Hair spa treatments impart much-needed hair nourishment. They improve your hair health, appearance, and feel. In addition, there are specific treatments to stop hair fall and stimulate hair growth. In addition, there are specific treatments to stop hair fall and stimulate hair growth.

Which is better: hair mask or hair spa?

A hair spa treatment is a deep hair conditioning treatment that should be done monthly. A hair mask can be used weekly to sustain your hair health after a hair spa treatment.

Which is better: hot oil or hair spa?

A hair spa is an intensive hair care treatment that should be done monthly. You can apply hot oil to your hair at home every week to sustain the effects of the hair spa.

Key Takeaways

  • Hair spa treatments can improve hair texture, stimulate hair growth, and help in repairing damaged hair.
  • There are many hair rejuvenation treatments available at hair spas, like de-stressor treatment, deep conditioning treatment, and hair restoration treatment.
  • You can also do hair spa-like treatments at home by doing an oil massage and applying a hair mask.

A hair spa is a great way to nourish and revitalize your hair. Learn about its amazing benefits in this video. Get ready to transform your tresses with this practice today. Take a look!


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  1. Burden of Hair Loss: Stress and the Underestimated Psychosocial Impact of Telogen Effluvium and Androgenetic Alopecia
  2. Dandruff: the Most Commercially Exploited Skin Disease
  3. Hair Cosmetics: an Overview
  4. Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy: a Systemic Review
  5. Standardized Scalp Massage Results in Increased Hair Thickness by Inducing Stretching Forces to Dermal Papilla Cells in the Subcutaneous Tissue
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