What Are The 3 Different Hair Types And How To Identify Them?

Know what type of hair you have to give it the TLC that works best for it.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Madhuri Agarwal, MBBS, MD
Written by Jyotsana Rao
Edited by Anjali Sayee
Fact-checked by Krati Darak, Certified Skin Care Coach  • 

Hair is the crown you never take off! Long, silky, and lustrous hair has been a favorite subject for most poets. Your hair is unique, and there are three different hair types among women.

It is like an accessory that can enhance our style and reflects our personality. So, it is important to give proper care and attention to your hair. And for that, you need to know about the type of hair you have. So, keep reading this article to know the different hair types and more. Scroll down!

Different Hair Types

A. Oily Hair

Image: Shutterstock

It is very common for those with oily skin to have oily hair. The skin type does not vary between the visible surface and your scalp. Hence, you have oily hair. Oily skin means oily scalp and if your scalp is oily, your hair will automatically become oily.

This is primarily due to excess secretion of the natural oil called sebum (1).

How To Recognize This Hair Type

  • Dull hair looks lifeless most of the time.
  • However much you shampoo, you will end up with brittle hair or limp hair in just a day or two.


  • Shampoo frequently.
  • Avoid touching your hair. Oils can be transferred from your skin to the hair.
  • Avoid oil massages as this will stimulate more oil secretion
  • Opt for cool / room temperature water for hair wash. Hot water stimulates more oil production.
  • Avoid conditioner on roots of the hair.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Switch to boar bristle brushes for oily or combination hair. The fiber bristles will pick up grease from your roots and distribute them evenly through the lengths of your hair.

B. Dry Hair

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Fewer or lesser number of oil glands leads to dry hair.

If you have dry skin, it is most likely that you will have dry hair. This is a result of the insufficient production of sebum by the glands on your scalp.

How To Recognize This Hair Type

  • Dry and frizzy hair due to overexposure to the sun, using harsh shampoos and chemical treatment (1)
  • Split ends
  • Excessive hair breakage and loss


  • Indulge in lukewarm oil massages.
  • Go for deep conditioning or leave-in treatments.
  • Refrain from using flat irons and other heat styling tools.
  • Avoid daily shampoo as it will dry the hair further.
  • Opt for home remedies like mashed avocado hair masks. Leave in and rinse off after 30 minutes.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Trim the split ends to avoid damaged hair. You may also use hydrating hair masks 2-3 times a week.

C. Normal Hair

Image: Shutterstock

You are lucky if you have this hair type!

Proper pH balance, shiny and healthy hair come in conjunction with this type (2). Though we must tell you that the name is a huge misnomer. This is the most uncommon hair type to find. Take the regular precautions to clean, moisturize, and protect it from sun damage and you will never face too many troubles with this hair type.

How To Recognize This Hair Type

  • Healthy hair with minimal hair loss
  • Minimal dandruff and other issues


  • Eat a balanced diet to maintain this hair.
  • Opt for shampoos that are sulfate-free.
  • Condition regularly.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Make pre-shampoo oil massages a habit for maintaining scalp and hair health. Also, switch to wide-toothed combs that are gentle on your tresses.

Tips To Determine Different Types Of Hair

Woman dabbing a tissue on scalp to determine the type of hair
Image: Shutterstock

If you want to know what your hair type is, try out this simple test. Dab a tissue on your scalp the second day after wash.

  • If there’s an oil blot, you have normal hair.
  • If the tissue shows nothing, it is dry.
  • If strands stick to each other, it is greasy hair and you have an oily hair type.

Hopefully, you should be able to identify your hair type using these simple tips. To maintain overall health of the hair, you should

  • Opt for a healthy diet full of B vitamins.
  • Air dry your hair rather than heat or towel dry.
  • Use gentle shampoos. Try baby shampoos to get relaxed hair once in a while.
  • Don’t brush your hair when its wet.
  • Embrace your natural hair and avoid chemically-treated hair or heat-damaged hair.
  • Excessive use of heat styling tools or an unhealthy lifestyle may lead to you having grey hair or thin hair.

Infographic: Easy Ways To Identify Your Hair Type

Identifying your hair type is the first step to caring for it. Most of the time, we fail to recognize our hair type and end up experimenting with the wrong products, further deteriorating our hair and scalp health. Check out the infographic below to learn the easiest hacks to identify your hair type and care for it.

easy way to identify your hair type (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Just like the skin, there are different hair types: oily, dry, and normal. These hair types are determined by the amount of sebum (natural oil) produced by the scalp. Each of these hair types requires different care routines. You cannot use an oily hair care routine or product to care for dry hair or vice versa. You can determine your hair type using the tissue test. Place a tissue on unwashed hair. If you see an oil blot on the tissue, you have normal hair; if the tissue sticks to your strands, you have oily hair; and if the tissue is dry, you have dry hair.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 6 basic types of hair textures?

Six basic types of textures are straight hair, wavy hair, coarse hair, curly hair, fine hair, and frizzy hair.

Can you change your hair type?

No. Your DNA defines your hair structure, so you can do much to change your hair type.

Which hair type shrinks the most?

Type 4C hair shrinks the most because tightly-coiled hair with curls is more tight than other curl patterns.

Learn to love your hair and it shall show its love by being fabulous.

Key Takeaways

  • Your hair can be categorized into different types based on its texture and pattern like oily, dry, or normal hair.
  • Regular hair treatments like deep conditioning may help in maintaining the health and beauty of your hair.
  • Opt for a hair care routine that targets your specific hair type. It can lead to manageable healthy and shiny hair.
  • To keep your hair healthy, you should eat foods full of B vitamins, air dry your hair, use gentle shampoos and avoid brushing wet hair.

Discover your unique hair type and get some amazing tips on how to keep it healthy and vibrant. So go ahead and check out this video, your hair will thank you!


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  1. Review on Hair Problem and its Solution
  2. Healthy hair: what is it?
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