Lavender Oil For Hair – How To Use, Benefits, & Side Effects

Learn how to indulge yourself in the soothing aroma of this essential oil.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Shruti Chavan, MBBS
Written by Arshiya Syeda
Edited by Ramona Sinha, Certified Skin Care Coach
Fact-checked by Medha Deb  • 

Although famous for its soothing, relaxing, and stress-relieving aroma, scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests there are merits to using lavender oil for hair. The oil might stimulate hair growth and keep your hair thicker and stronger. Lavender oil is used as a perfume, in aromatherapy for relaxation, and for massages and overall calming effect.

protip_icon Know Your Ingredient: Lavender Oil

What Is It?
It is the oil obtained from the distillation of lavender flowers and spikes.

What Are Its Benefits?
Maintains scalp health, promotes hair growth, boosts blood circulation, kills head lice, and boosts healthy hair growth.

Who Can Use It?
Suitable for all hair types (especially those with thin hair or scalp issues) and skin types (especially those with dry skin issues)

How Often?
Apply it to your scalp once per week.

Dilute the oil with a carrier oil or water or liquid like rose water or cucumber juice, as it may irritate your scalp. Those with oily scalps should use it moderately.

What Is Lavender Oil?

A woman holding lavender oil in a lavender field
Image: Shutterstock

Lavender oil is obtained by the distillation of lavender flowers and lavender spikes. The oil obtained from the flowers is colorless, has a soothing aroma, and contains a complex mix of phytochemicalsi  XBioactive chemical compounds in plants responsible for their color and aroma that protect them from predators and the environment. . Lavender oil is used as a perfume, in aromatherapy, and for massages.

protip_icon Trivia
Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, the father of aromatherapyi  XA holistic therapy that uses aromatic substances to promote calmness and physical and mental well-being. , was the first person to scientifically document lavender oil’s healing properties.

What is the relation between lavender oil and hair growth? Scroll down for a list of reasons lavender oil is good for your hair.

How Lavender Oil Works For Hair Growth

Lavender oil may help boost hair health and growth.
Image: Shutterstock
  • Promotes Hair Growth: Korean scientists found that the topical application of lavender oil once a day for four weeks increased the number of follicles and stimulated hair growth in laboratory mice (1). However, more studies on humans are required to understand why and how lavender oil promotes hair growth.
  • Improves Blood Circulation: Applying lavender oil to the scalp and gently massaging it in a circular motion helps improve blood circulation to the scalp. This improves scalp health and helps the nutrients reach the follicles, making them stronger, and preventing hair loss.
  • Has Antimicrobial Properties: Lavender oil has antimicrobial properties and is effective against bacteria and fungi (3). This property of lavender oil may help reduce itchy scalp, dandruff, and other infections caused by microbes on the scalp.
  • Has A Calming Effect: Sudden hair loss, hair thinning, and bald patches can cause stress and anxiety. This can further aggravate hair fall. Lavender oil has a calming effect that helps reduce anxiety (4). Hence, applying it to your scalp helps relax your mind and provides stress relief.

According to a YouGov poll of 32,601 US Adults, the majority of men (59%) and women (57%) in the age group of 18 to 24 express fear when confronted with the prospect of going bald. Similarly, among individuals aged 25 to 34, a significant portion of women (55%) and approximately half of the men (51%) also share the sentiment that a receding hairline or thinning hair is a frightening prospect.

What is the best way to apply lavender oil to your hair? Scroll down to know the different options.

How To Use Lavender Oil On Your Hair

How to use lavender oil on your hair
Image: Shutterstock
  • Massage Lavender Oil: Comb your hair and divide it into sections. Massage two drops of lavender oil onto one section in a circular motion for 2 minutes to help the oil penetrate the deepest dermal layer of the scalp and hair follicles. Repeat the process all over the scalp. Take 10 drops of lavender oil in your palms and run them through the hair strands. Tie your hair up in a bun. Wait for 30 minutes before washing it off your hair with a good shampoo.
  • Use Lavender Oil As A Serum: The beautiful aroma of lavender oil will add a calming effect, make your hair shiny, and prevent the need for perfume.
  • Add Lavender Oil In Hair Products: Adding a few drops of lavender oil to your shampoo, conditioner, hair oil, or hair serum can help you reap its benefits without having to spend a lot of time on hair care every day.
  • Buy Products With Lavender Oil: Check the labels of shampoos, conditioners, oils, and serums for ingredients like lavender essential oil or lavender hydrolatei  XThe aromatic water left behind from condensation during the steam distillation process of an essential oil. . You can buy these products and use them to avoid the extra step of adding lavender oil to your hair care products.
  • Lavender Oil In Hair Masks: You can mix a few natural ingredients like coconut oil or almond oil along with lavender oil to prepare a deep conditioning hair mask for dry and damaged hair. Apply it to the scalp and hair strands and massage well. Wash off after 30 minutes. Do this once a week.

protip_icon Quick Tip
Lavender essential oil may last for 3 to 4 years. You can store it in a cool and dark place to increase its shelf life. Use a small container to prevent trapping the oxygen.

What are the benefits of using lavender oil for hair? Find out in the next section.

Benefits Of Using Lavender Oil

Lavender oil helps rejuvenate damaged hair
Image: Shutterstock
  • Helps promote hair regrowth.
  • Rejuvenates damaged and dull hair.
  • Suitable for all hair types.
  • Helps reduce dandruff and head lice.
  • Helps to relax and calms the nerves.
  • Can easily be mixed with other oils and hair care products.
  • Can also be used for body massage.
  • Easily available.

But before you start using it, should you be aware of any side effects lavender oil may have? Scroll down to know.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Lavender oil may cause scalp irritation
Image: Shutterstock

Using too much lavender oil may irritate your scalp or skin. Do a patch test before you use the oil on your hair. Massage your scalp with a minimum amount of the oil. Mixing lavender oil in a carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil can also help. If the aroma is too strong for you, you may dilute it with olive oil before applying it to your scalp. Do not consume it under any circumstances, and keep it away from children and pets.

Infographic: How To Make Lavendar Oil At Home

Now that you know the benefits of using lavendar oil for your hair, you may want to get some for yourself. While you can choose to purchase the best quality lavender oil, making it at home would ensure you get the best of quality at a much lesser price. Check out the infographic below to know how you can make lavender oil at home from fresh sprigs and dried flowers.

how to make lavender oil at home (infographic)

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

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Using lavender oil for hair is one of the best ways to promote hair growth and increase its volume. Treating your scalp with this oil is a great natural solution for hair loss prevention. It has antimicrobial properties, kills lice, improves hair texture, boosts blood circulation, and soothes your scalp. You can use lavender oil as a massage oil or serum, add it to your hair care products, hair masks, or buy products with lavender oil for hair conditioning. Though it suits all hair types, you must know its side effects. Excess use of lavender oil can irritate your scalp. So, always do a patch test before applying it for the first time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does lavender oil darken hair?

Yes, lavender oil helps darken the hair. If applied regularly, it can improve hair color and texture.

Is lavender oil good for colored hair?

Yes, lavender oil is good for colored hair. It helps manage the dryness and frizz associated with colored hair.

How often should I use lavender oil on my hair?

You can use lavender oil daily or weekly as per your requirements. If you have damaged hair, applying it overnight daily can help bring back its shine. You can also use it as a serum daily or in a hair mask once a week.

How long does it take to see results from using lavender oil on hair?

It can take anywhere between 1-3 months before you start experiencing a change in your hair texture, appearance, and growth rate (1).

Key Takeaways

  • The topical application of lavender oil increases the number of hair follicles and stimulates hair growth.
  • It has antimicrobial properties, which combat many scalp infections and dandruff.
  • It can be used as a serum or added to hair masks, shampoo, or conditioner.

How effective is lavender oil for hair growth? Watch this video that explores the science behind it to confirm if it can really help your hair health.


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