Creatinine Clearance Calculator

By Payal Karnik image Payal Karnik MSc (Biotechnology), University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra linkedin_icon Specialty: Ingredients & Nutrition Experience: 2 years

Payal Karnik is a health and wellness writer and a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach. She is a biotechnology graduate from the University of Mumbai with a keen interest in writing and a natural curiosity for sc... more

, MSc (Biotechnology), University of Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra  • 

The volume of blood plasma cleared of creatinine per unit time is Creatinine clearance. There are CrCl calculators that help in estimating Creatinine clearance. There remains a specific process to calculate creatinine clearance. Both GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) and cost effective method of CrCl calculation can be measured with the use of comparative values of creatinine in urine and blood.




Inception and use of creatinine clearance calculator or CrCl

In the year of 1973, The Cockcroft and Gault formula (CG) was developed. It was developed from data sampling using 249 men with CCr of creatinine clearance from around 30 to 130 mL/m2. For body surface area, it is not adjusted. Calculations derived out of this tool are not used as it does not produce exact and correct amount of creatinine clearance from liver. Medical practitioner and doctors exactly knows how to estimate the scores using this calculator.

Creatinine calculator is a tool that helps

This formula used for producing results in the CrCl calculator is not recommended for use fore real time diagnosis as it has not been expressed as per the standardized creatinine values. Still, it is provided in various websites for only research purposes. It is not for the purposes of drug dosing calculation or for GFR estimation. The most effective way of determining drug dosage is by the use of CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation which is also called MDRD Study and was carried on in the year 2009. These studies showcased much precise and accurate results compared to the Cockcroft and Gault formula (CG).

The online tools that facilitate us to estimate the kidney condition

While using the Cockcroft-Gault equation, certain corrections are needed and experienced medical practitioners use the tool and are aware of the tweaking parameters. The online tool requires gender, age, weight and serum creatinine (mg/dl). The formula used in online tools typically presents creatinine clearance level overestimated (10% to 30%).

The process of calculation

Assumptions: For using the Adult Creatinine Clearance (CrCl) Calculator the following conditions are pre-requisite:

The patient is > 18 years of age

To be considered: The renal function is stable which means acute renal failure is excluded

Formulas Used:

Adult Males = [(140 – age in years) x (weight in kg)] ÷ 72 x serum Cr

Adult Females = 0.85 x [((140 – age in years) x (weight in kg)) ÷ 72 x serum Cr]

Creatinine clearance percentage differs with GFR

MDRD or Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study equation for the estimated GFR or Glomerular Filtration Rate is an suitable substitute for measured or estimated creatinine clearance. This is as an index for adjustment of the drug doses in patients with major kidney injury of chronic kidney disease. There remains doubts and other propositions that justifies injudicious use of the estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate as a suitable for CCr may result dosage errors and toxicity. And this is specifically in case of drugs with narrow therapeutic indices.

The following list showcases normal creatinine clearance:

Men0.6 to 1.2107 to 139
Women0.5 to 1.187 to 107
Teenager0.5 to 1.0
Children0.3 to 0.7

*mg= milligrams


Indications of kidney failure basing upon conditions and creatinine clearance

Creatinine is considered to be a reliable factor indicating kidney functioning. High creatinine levels in a kidney is a sign of kidney disease or impaired kidney functioning. Creatinine level in blood rises due to poor creatinine clearance from the kidney. Use of a creatinine clearance calculator helps to check kidney’s performance. If Creatinine levels reach 2.0 or more in case of babies and equal or more than 5.0 in case of adults, it is an indication of kidney failure or severe kidney impairment. Certain symptoms of kidney failure are Hypovolemia or low blood volume, Dehydration, Abnormal blood inflow and outflow from the kidney due to obstruction of the renal artery or vein.

What food should be avoided if creatinine is high?

  • At every meal protein rich food is advisable, some of the food rich in protein are fish, meat, poultry, and pork.
  • Avoiding phosphorus and potassium is a good idea.
  • Avoidance of peanut butter, seeds, dried beans, nut and lentils are necessary though these are high in protein. Avoidance of these foods is essential as they are also high in phosphorus and potassium.
  • Use of lesser salt and intake of fewer salty foods is required as this reduces blood pressure and helps to arrest weight gains during sessions of dialysis.
  • It is wise to use spices, herbs and low-salt flavor enhancers instead of using salt Avoid high fiber food and wholegrain such as wheat bread or brown bread, brown rice and bran cereal to limit phosphorus.
  • Limit your intake of milk; cheese and yogurt as phosphorus content in these foods are quite high. Further it is noteworthy; limiting dairy-based products ensures better bone and blood-vessel conditions.
  • Many of the fruits have potassium and selectively fruits should be consumed. Considering berries and apples over oranges and bananas is great. Instead of potatoes and asparagus, go for cabbage and broccoli.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you calculate creatinine clearance in a 24-hour urine collection?

The doctor will advise blood and urine tests to estimate creatinine clearance in a 24-hour period.

What is low creatinine clearance?

Low creatinine clearance indicates a decline in normal kidney functioning resulting in higher amounts of serum creatinine.

What is the difference between CrCl and GFR?

Creatinine clearance (CrCl) is used to measure the amount of creatinine excreted by the kidneys with a 24-hour urine collection. GFR is an overall measure used to determine the glomerular filtration rate (which indicates how well your kidney filters (glomeruli) are functioning).

Are GFR and CrCl interchangeable?

While CrCI may give an estimation of GFR, both are different and should not be used interchangeably.

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