125 Ways To Say Thank You

It's never too late to appreciate those who help and support you in times of need.

Reviewed by Sarah Kenville, MA (Marriage and Family Therapy)
Written by Sneha Tete, Certified Relationship Coach
Edited by Shatabdi Bhattacharya  • 

Saying ‘Thank You’ is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation for and gratitude towards someone. Depending on the person and the setting, there are many ways to say ‘thank you.’ While a personal thank-you note or email is a sweet gesture toward someone who supported you, you can’t send a general thank-you note to your boss after your promotion or send a formal thank-you message to your friend. These messages need to be personalized and chosen according to the recipient.

To make your job easier, we have compiled a list of 125 ways to say ‘thank you’ – depending on the setting and recipient. These will help you express your appreciation and laudation, making your message more meaningful. Scroll down to check them out!

125 Ways To Say Thank You

Following are the different ways to say ‘thank you’ according to the setting.

Creative Ways To Say Thank You

  1. I am very thankful.
  2. I appreciate it.
  3. I appreciate it more than you will ever know.
  4. I appreciate your kind thoughts.
  5. Being thoughtful is a skill you mastered at birth. Thank you!
Being thoughtful is a skill you mastered at birth, thank you!
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I appreciate your time.
  2. I cannot express my appreciation.
  3. I can’t thank you enough.
  4. I couldn’t have done it without you.
  5. I don’t have words to thank you.
  6. I don’t know how to thank you.
  7. I don’t know what I would do without you.
  8. I have so much gratitude for you.
  9. Let me know what I can do for you.
  10. Your support and kindness are much appreciated.
  11. You’re fantastic for thinking of me.
protip_icon DID YOU KNOW?
‘Thank you’ originated from the Latin word tongēre, which means to ‘think.’ In Old English, ‘ thank’ was defined as a ‘thought’ and dates between c. 450 – c. 1100.

Meaningful Ways To Say Thank You

  1. Thank you for being a beacon of light in my confusion and sorrow. You are a gift to my life and this world.
  2. Thank you for standing up for me and being someone I can depend on. I trust you, and it means to me that you’re always there to support me.
  3. Thank you for reminding me of what is important and what I truly deserve. I know I can count on you, and it helps me.
Thank you for reminding me of what is important and what I truly deserve. I know I can count on you, and it helps me.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Thank you for always being there. I don’t have much to give you except infinite love and gratitude. Thank you.
  2. Thank you! You make sure that you’re there for me. You give so much energy and time. I am so grateful for everything that you’ve done for me.
  3. Thank you for seeing the potential in me. I feel so encouraged and confident because you believe in me.
  4. Thank you for being a great figure to look up to. I feel secure under your guidance. And I know that with you, I will always be safe. So I value you the most.
  5. Thank you for understanding me and forgiving me on many accounts. I am doing better because of how kind and generous you are.
  6. Thank you for giving me boundless love, care, and support. I know I can always rely on you. It’s a priceless gift.
  7. Thank you for being my most consistent friend. Maybe I can’t be sure of everything, but I know we will always be friends.
  1. Thank you for having an open mind and never rejecting opinions. One grows with you. I learn how to become a wiser person with you.
  2. Thank you for being the light of my days. I become quite stressed and worried, but when I’m with you, I feel relief and comfort.
  3. Thank you for trying to make things easier for me. You help me as much as possible and assure me you’re always there. It means a lot.
  4. Thank you for always being patient and listening to me, even when I might be repeating many of the same worries. You give me space to be myself.
  5. Thank you for having the big heart to listen to my experiences and lessons. I told you things I never told anyone. I’m so grateful that I can trust you.

Funny Ways To Say Thank You

  1. Thank you for being my unpaid therapist.
  2. I’m doing the happy dance. Thank you!
  3. Today I am wearing the smile you left me with the other day.
  4. You made me smile from ear to ear.
  5. Here’s a generic thank-you card to prove I have excellent manners.
  6. If I had a cent for every time I appreciate you, I’d be a millionaire.
  7. Thank you. You rock harder than a hurricane!
  8. Don’t think you’re the only one who knows how to give.
  9. Should I send a thank-you email or not bother you with another email?
Should I send a thank-you email, or not bother you with another email?
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Thanks a bunch of oats!
  2. This isn’t just a thank-you card; it’s a hug with a fold in it.
  3. I would floss a tiger’s teeth – that’s how much I appreciate you.
  4. You make me want to say thank you in other languages, and I can barely speak English.
  5. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Let’s cut to the chase. I’m just saying “thank you.”
  6. You must have people telling you how awesome you are all the time. Because there’s no way that quality is flying under the radar. You’re a towering beacon of helpfulness, and you always shine.
  7. We wanted to thank you for the huge favor you did for us recently. We owe you big. If you don’t remember what we’re talking about, it was that little favor you did that probably didn’t bear mentioning and didn’t require payback.

Formal Ways To Say Thank You

  1. I appreciate your guidance.
  2. I appreciate your help.
  3. I appreciate all the time you put in to make this excellent.
  4. I sincerely appreciate it.
  5. My sincere appreciation.
  6. My sincere gratitude.
  7. My sincere thanks.
  8. Thank you for your assistance.
  9. Thank you for your consideration.
  10. Thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you for your encouragement
Image: Shutterstock

  1. Thank you for your guidance.
  2. Thank you for your support.
  3. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
  4. Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.
  5. I appreciate the information and advice you have shared.
  6. Thank you for your consideration and forthcoming response.

Sarcastic Ways To Say Thank You

  1. So you think you’re all that? So what if you saved my bacon, solved my problem, and soothed my soul? Show off.
  2. You’ve put my life back on track to being the incredible journey it was meant to be; you’re a little too fabulous for your underwear.
  3. When God handed out all the talent, he gave you a big chunk of it, didn’t he? ‘Cause once again, I am sending you a thank-you card for your awesomeness.
  4. I’ve thanked you and thanked you and thanked you and thanked you over a hundred times, and it seems—man, I’m sick of repeating myself.
  5. Some people get to help others, and some are hopeless cases like me! Thanks again for being who you are.
  6. Since I’m always sending them to you, I finally got organized and bought a box of 500 thank-you cards. Thanks for all you did for me and the money I saved buying your cards in bulk.
  7. Did I ever thank you for all you did for me? If I haven’t, I’m sending this card to stroke your ego further.
  8. You’re one of the good guys in a world of bad guys. Shocking because most of the time, you fit right in as a bad guy. Thanks.
  9. Thank you doesn’t cut it. But since you already have an inflated version of self-worth, let me add to the pile —’You’re awesome, amazing, shockingly good-looking, kind, thoughtful, always right, and most of all, just like me.’
  10. I know you hate saying, “you’re welcome,” so I’ll do you a favor and not say thank you, but I feel it on the inside.
  11. You are lucky because I am mannered enough to thank you.
  12. You score phenomenally high in the kind-o-meter. Seriously, I checked.
  13. You conspired to help us, forcing us to say thank you.
  14. Can’t spell thank you without YOU, so there you go. Stroke your beard with pride a bit more.
Can’t spell thank you without YOU, so there you go. Stroke your beard with pride a bit more.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. Thank you for putting up with the drama that is me. It’s well appreciated.
  2. Are you sure you don’t have a halo? Cause you’ve been acting like the angel on my shoulder quite a lot.
protip_icon Trivia
In a study of positive psychology, scientists found that a one-time act of appreciation increased happiness and reduced depressive symptoms (1).

Fancy Ways To Say Thank You

  1. Grateful is the only word I can come up with to describe how you have made me feel.
  2. I can’t even begin to explain how much your generosity means to me.
  3. Words can’t express how you have brightened my day. I love it!
  4. After everything you have done, just know I’m always in your corner.
  5. Without you, this ship would have sunk. I am forever in your debt.
Without you, this ship would have sunk. I am forever in your debt.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. I just wanted to let you know that your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and that I appreciate everything you have done for us.
  2. Thanks a lot for your help. I respect and value your opinion.
  3. I am thankful for your flexibility.
  4. I respect your grind.
  5. Eternally grateful.
  6. Beyond grateful.
  7. Working with you was a more-than-pleasant experience.
  8. Thanks for taking the trouble of putting this together at the last minute.
  9. What can I do to show my thanks?
  10. I appreciate you taking the time to pick this gift for me. I love it!
  11. This meal is on me!

Cute Ways To Say Thank You

  1. You’re the best!
  2. You’re amazing!
  3. You’re the best friend ever!

  1. You’d have made a formidable enemy, so I’m thankful we’re friends.
You’d have made a formidable enemy, so I’m thankful we’re friends.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. It’s been a pleasure working with you.
  2. Thank you for always being so upbeat!
  3. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for being such a great friend!
  4. Thank you for being a great listener. I know I drive you crazy with my constant blabber.
  5. You are the most incredible human being on the planet! Thank you!
  6. Thanks a ton!
  7. You are a thing of beauty! Thank you!
  8. Stop making me say thank you to your helpful and charming self! It’s annoying!
  9. I wish I could gift you a cape for being my superhero, but I can’t, so my thanks will have to suffice.
  10. You knocked me off my feet!
  11. If I could, I would teleport myself to squeeze you in a thank-you hug.
  12. I’m beaming with appreciation for you.

Other Ways To Say Thank You On Any Occasion

  1. Thank you for the gift.
  2. Thanks in advance.
  3. You shouldn’t have!
  4. I received your gift. It’s lovely! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday. I truly appreciate it.
  5. With this short note, I wanted to thank you for your assistance and advice throughout the academic year. I’m truly grateful for such an amazing teacher.
  6. Thank you for the beautiful blouse! I can’t wait to wear it this weekend.
  7. Thank you for coming to my birthday party! It was more special getting to celebrate with you.
Thank you for coming to my birthday party, it was more special getting to celebrate with you.
Image: Shutterstock
  1. The new picture frame will look perfect in my college dorm room. Thank you!
  2. My stomach (and I) want to thank you for that delicious meal.
  3. I already made dinner tonight. Thank you for being so wonderful!
  4. Thank you for supporting my dreams, no matter what. I couldn’t ask for a better partner.

  1. The coffee mug you sent is so me. Thank you for making my mornings brighter.
  2. I’m so grateful for the housewarming gift you sent; our place is one step closer to feeling like home because of it.
  3. I have a big bear hug waiting for you the next time I see you!

Whenever you are stumped on what to write on your thank-you note or message, use any of the above messages or draw inspiration from them to write a meaningful message. The next section explains why you shouldn’t miss out on appreciating someone’s thoughtfulness.

The Importance Of A Thank You Message

Expressing gratitude is essential for the smooth functioning of any relationship, be it at the professional or personal level. It promotes positive interactions and helps foster a trusting, appreciative, and transparent bond. A creatively worded thank you note or message with a personal touch can instantly uplift the spirits of the recipient, making them feel seen, valued, and appreciated. It encourages them to continue with their efforts as they are being acknowledged for this. Additionally, it also drives people to reciprocate words of gratitude with more kindness and appreciation, thus creating an environment that provides a sense of security and contentment.

Infographic: 14 Ways To Say Thank You

Saying ‘thank you’ is not rocket science. It is effortless and can help make someone’s day. Each of us likes to be appreciated for our efforts, and penning down a thank-you note for someone who helped us out of a tough spot is the least we could do. Check out the infographic below to discover the different ways to say ‘thank you’ to express approbation or tribute to someone.


14 ways to say thank you (infographic)

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Expressing your gratitude requires that you take a step back and reminisce about the people who lent you their helping hand when you needed it. Thanking someone is one of the best ways to spread kindness and happiness, or to express adulation or praise. On a bad day, the recipient of a thank-you note might feel happiness at being remembered and appreciated by someone they helped in the past. Bookmark this article so whenever you find it challenging to come up with the right words to say thank you, you can come back here!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you say thank you professionally?

Be sincere and formal in your wording and use phrases like- “I sincerely appreciate…” and “Many thanks for giving me this opportunity.”

Is saying thank you formal or informal?

‘Thank you’ is considered the formal version, while ‘thanks’ is the informal version of expressing gratitude. You can use both informally, but only ‘thank you’ is used for formal settings for acknowledgment, recognition, commendation, or felicitation.

Can I say thanks instead of thank you?

Yes, you can say ‘thanks’, ‘cheers’, ‘kudos’, or ‘props’ instead of ‘thank you’ to express acclamation but only in an informal setting. If you are expressing gratitude to your friends or family, ‘thanks’ is appropriate. If it is your boss, colleague, or acquaintance, ‘thank you’ is more appropriate to express gratefulness or indebtedness.

Key Takeaways

  • Use the above-listed thank-you notes and messages appropriately, keeping the circumstances in mind.
  • These notes can be handwritten, emailed, or printed per your requirement and preference.
  • A personalized message sent on your behalf could make or break your future if it is in a formal setting.
  • Showing appreciation motivates others and vice-versa. If you feel appreciated, you will not hesitate to go the extra mile to get the job done.


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