10 Pros And Cons Of Eating Organic Foods

Scrutinize naturally cultivated foods thoroughly before adding them to your diet.

Reviewed by Dr. Pallavi Srivastava, Clinical Nutritionist
Written by Jyotsana Rao
Edited by Arshiya Syeda
Fact-checked by Moksha Gandhi, BPharm, Certified Health & Wellness Coach  • 

Organic food is healthier, isn’t it? At least, that’s what is widely believed. But what is the real deal? Are there any pros and cons to organic food? Yes, organic food is devoid of chemicals that are potentially harmful to health. However, a higher price point can make it inaccessible to all. Let’s take a deeper dive and learn about organic food, its benefits, and its disadvantages. Continue reading.

What Is Organic Food?

Overhead shot of freshly picked farm produce
Image: IStock

Organic food refers to crops that are grown pesticide-free, irradiation-free, fertilizer-free, GMO-free and without the use of other harmful synthetic materials. Even the animals under organic farming are fed with organic supply devoid of synthetic growth hormones or antibioticsi  XA substance or medication used to destroy or prevent the growth and spreading of bacterial infection. . Today, you can find store shelves stacked with organic snacks and cereals along with usual vegetables, fruits, milk, and meat (1), (2).

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The organic food labels can be of 4 types: 100% organic, organic (product made of at least 95% organic produce), made with organic (product made of at least 70% organic produce), and specific organic ingredients (product made of less than 70% organic produce).
Here we present the pros and cons of organic foods to simplify your decision to go for it or refrain from it:

Let’s have a look at the various pros of eating organic food:

1. No Chemicals

Unlike conventional farming, organic farmers are restrained from using synthetic fertilizers, chemical additives, or preservatives in their produces. As such, the food you eat has no chemical residues to harm your body. And you are also safe from poisonous pesticides posing serious health issues (3).

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Instead of chemical fertilizers, organic farmers use organic matter such as compost, manure, feather meal, or blood meal to boost crop growth.

2. Eco-Friendliness

Organic farming is a boon to our deteriorating environment and can promote animal welfare and sustainable farming practices. As it does not go by the principle of increasing crop size, it has a better environmental impact and lesser complications for the soil and atmosphere. They also conserve water for our future. In organic farms, there is increased diversity of crops (4).

3. High Nutritional Values

Nutritionist recommending organic produce
Image: IStock

As compared to conventional farming, organic products are rich store houses of minerals. Organic farming increases the potency and benefits of soil. As such, these benefits are passed on to you whenever you eat these products (3).

4. Better Taste

Organic farming induces better taste in your food (5). With better nutritional inputs and reduced usage of pesticides and chemicals, organic farms increase this taste considerably. You can enjoy naturally sweet apples and berries. You can enjoy naturally sweet apples and berries.

5. Zero Hydrogenated Fat

Eat organic and forget about heart disease! Yes, organic produce is devoid of any hydrogenated fat. This, in turn, reduces your risk of heart-related ailments. It also readies you to take on the challenges of hectic life schedules easily – thanks to its high antioxidant content (3).

6. Organic Is Healthy For Unborn As Well

Pregnant woman eating organic salad
Image: IStock

Research has proved that pesticides and harmful fertilizers of non-organic food may traverse the placentai  XA temporary organ that connects the baby to the uterus and provides oxygen and nutrients essential for a healthy pregnancy. to harm unborn babies. The toxins in such food can cause serious health issues for them. In fact, lower birth weight, autismi  XA serious developmental disorder caused by differences in the brain that impairs the ability to communicate and socially interact. , and birth defects in some cases are attributed to these chemicals. So, with organic food, your unborn baby is protected from such disorders (6). And we have a healthier generation ready!

A French cohort study was done on 33,256 participants, from 2014 to 2019 to study the correlation between organic food consumption and the risk of type-2 diabetes. The diet was observed in 5% increments as quintiles, using multivariable hazard ratios. Those with higher organic food consumption showed a 35% lower risk of type-2 diabetes. Additionally, each increment of 5% showed a 3% lower risk.

Cons Of Organic Food:

Let’s have a look at the various cons of organic food:

7. High Price Levels

In organic farming, the produce is usually lower due to the lack of synthetic fertilizers. As such, they tend to be more pricey than non-organic food. Even the overhead costs are higher in organic farming. All these factors make them heavier for your pocket (7).

8. Spoils Quickly

This is the most alarming fact related to organic food. It goes off the shelves rather quickly. Actually, organic food is produced without artificial preservatives or irradiation. Hence, they tend to be spoiled faster than processed non-organic food (8).

9. Contamination By E. Coli

Organic vegetable may be contaminated by E. Coli
Image: IStock

This bacteria found in the intestinal tract of animals is a threat to human health. It has been revealed that even organic food safety is in jeopardy due to the contamination caused by it. Some alarming revelations have been made in recent studies that organic food is not actually better than conventional food on the counts of health benefits and nutrition (8).

10. Hard To Find

Sometimes, you may not be able to find organic food at a store near you. This limited availability is basically due to the non-feasibility of organic farming in every region. Also, because organic food has a lower shelf life, you cannot always expect to procure it from far-flung areas where organic farming is done (9).

With these pros and cons of organic foods, whether you should choose organic food or not, depends on your personal choice anyways!

Eat organic food after washing thoroughly
Image: IStock

Infographic: Pros And Cons Of Eating Organic Foods

Foods labeled ‘organic’ are produced on farms that adhere to the guidelines for organic farming. The popularity of organic foods has risen in recent years – and rightly so. They offer various advantages to human health. However, if you plan to go for them, you also must be aware of their possible disadvantages. In the following infographic, we have listed the pros and cons of organic foods. Take a look.

pros and cons of eating organic foods (infographic)

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The demand for organic food is increasing nowadays as people have become more health-conscious and have started taking into account ethical considerations. But there are pros and cons of organic food that one should be aware of before consuming organic food. It is true that organic food is free of chemicals, eco-friendly, has high nutritional value, has better taste and quality, is devoid of hydrogenated fat, and is beneficial for pregnant women. However, it spoils quickly, is more prone to E.coli infection, and has high pricing levels when compared to the other food range. In addition, it is also difficult to find organic food everywhere. We hope the article will help you make a conscious decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you live longer if you eat organic?

There is no scientific evidence to prove that organic food can increase life expectancy. However, consuming a healthy diet can help maintain your overall health and reduce the risk of diseases.

How does organic food affect your body?

Organic foods have comparatively higher antioxidant levels than conventionally grown foods. Studies found that antioxidants could reduce the risk of a few cancers and certain types of chronic cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases (10).

Can you lose weight by eating organic?

Yes. Organic foods are high in fiber and nutrients – they will keep your appetite in check by keeping you full. Therefore having organic foods in your meals can help you lose weight healthily.

Key Takeaways

  • Organic food lacks chemicals and has high nutritional value and better taste.
  • Organic food has zero hydrogenated fat, which reduces the risk of heart-related ailments.
  • Organic farming is beneficial for the soil and atmosphere and increases crop diversity
  • Its higher cost, rapid spoilage, and potential E. coli contamination make it difficult to add them to our regular diet.
  • Lack of artificial preservatives or irradiation reduces the shelf life of organic food.

Discover the truth behind the organic food hype and its potential health benefits. Watch this video and uncover the facts about organic vs. conventional produce. Don’t miss out!


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  1. Organic food
  2. Organic food and health
  3. Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer
  4. Environmental Consciousness and Organic Food Purchase Intention: A Moderated Mediation Model of Perceived Food Quality and Price Sensitivity
  5. Consumer sensory analysis of organically and conventionally grown vegetables
  6. Eating for Two: Does an Organic Diet Make a Difference?
  7. Data on retail price differential between organic and conventional foods
  8. Microbiology of organic and conventionally grown fresh produce
  9. Human health implications of organic food and organic agriculture: a comprehensive review
  10. Effects of organic food consumption on human health; the jury is still out!
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